my cavalier was in a car accident. it was hit on the front passenger side. the hit smashed my computer, so we put in a 97 cavaliers 2.2 auto 4spd computer i have a 2.4 auto 4spd. the numbers matched and we read that you can swap 2.2 and 2.4 computers. we brought it to a gm dealership to get the computer reflashed but it didnt work. gm mechanic said that the computer was throwing alot of codes. so what should i do, i looked at the wiring harness and couldnt find any cut wires. the car runs at 2500 rpms to 3200 rpms, there is no power for take offs and upper end i was doing 55mph at 5000rpms, it feels like its stuck in a gear and the engine sounds really rough. but there was no engine damage, the only damage to the engine was the intake manifold but we got a new one. so do you guys/girls have any idea what i should do next cuz im out of ideas and i really want my cavalier to work cuz i love that car.
thanks zack
i have a 99 2.4L auto 4 spd
I don't see HOW you could use a 2.2 computer for a 2.4
I was a retard, and now I'm permanently banned.
It is poss. that the ecu is bad, but since the impact was so bad check all the wires and sensors for damage.
89 Z24