well i got my hp tuners today and tomorrow i'm gonna take it to school and see fi my engine performance instructor will dyno tune my car. our dyno is supposed to be 1 of 2 (in the country) top of the line mustang dyno's. this instructor (supposedly rated by the industry) is one of the best driveability techs there is on the eastside of the mississippi. so might take me a copuple days. i'll try to get a before and after dyno and i will let u guys know how it goes. my mods are as follows:
header --->2.25'' exh. all the way back
motor mounts
tranny mounts
bored out TB
underdrive pulley
ported intake manifold
hopefully i'll pick up a few hp with the tune. goign to tune it n/a while i wait for rest of monry for a turbo then tune the car again.
MY 2003 SUNFIRE 15.33@88.5mph
"A N/A ecotec is not gonna give Honda's and Mitsu's that much of a run for their
money unless their blown or bottle fed.GM is still smokin crack!"
www.streetracing.org, 08/2001
unless you have a wideband installed on your car it will be hard to know how rich or lean the car is, narrowband dont cut it, you can still adjust spark advance though

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
if they have a dyno, they likely have there own wideband
HP Tuners | Garrett T3/T04B | 2.5" Charge Pipes | 2.5" Downpipe | 650 Injectors | HO Manifold | Addco front/rear | Motor Mounts | HKS SSQV | Spec stage 3 | AEM UEGO Wideband | Team Green LSD | FMIC | 2.3 cams | 2.3 oil pump swap | 280WHP | Now ECOTECED
ge_forcez22 wrote:if they have a dyno, they likely have there own wideband
It would be almost pointless to have a dyno without a wideband O2 sensor.
FU Tuning
Tailpipe sniffers are not accurate esp on cat - equiped cars

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Awesome when you get back please post your .hpt file so we can compare.

15.149 @ 91.26mph 3-18-2006
i'm gonna have to wait till HP tuners gets back to me bc i was talking to shifted and i couldnt egit my parameters at all. shifted said that they didnt have my calibration but will be able to tune it when they get back to me.
MY 2003 SUNFIRE 15.33@88.5mph
"A N/A ecotec is not gonna give Honda's and Mitsu's that much of a run for their
money unless their blown or bottle fed.GM is still smokin crack!"
www.streetracing.org, 08/2001
Ohh3SunFire wrote:our dyno is supposed to be 1 of 2 (in the country) top of the line mustang dyno's.
wheel to wheel powertain
http://www.w2wpowertrain.com/ has like 2 or 3 of them. My friend gothis car dyno tuned there. BTW, the mustang dynos usualy read 40% LESS HP than a dynojet or ones like it. Then again, they're really accurate and cost 200,000 bux.
1971 camaro 427 --- here!

Stock... and loving every minute of it.
i cant do it at school now bc my instructor said its illegal to change the original settings of the motor...=(..looks like i'll be doing plenty of testing and tuning.
MY 2003 SUNFIRE 15.33@88.5mph
"A N/A ecotec is not gonna give Honda's and Mitsu's that much of a run for their
money unless their blown or bottle fed.GM is still smokin crack!"
www.streetracing.org, 08/2001
That is bull. The instructor doesnt want you to blow the engine, he may be held liable for allowing you to do it.
04 Cavalier LS Sport- Red with factory silver stripes.
16.186 @ 86.98mph
Its not bull
ECU's are designed to meet OBD-II and EPA emissions standards. If you start changing items on the ECU, the vehicle is no longer street legal, and he can't knowingly change those things if you intend to use it on the street.
4cyltuner.com - Information Source For 4 Cylinder Tuners
Buy stuff from CarCustoms Ebay! Won't be disappointed!
Why dont you tell your instructor that you want to do it for the learning experience, and after he tunes it in the shop you say quote "I promise to return it to stock tune while driving on the streets and only using your tune at the track and cough cough, upload the tune to the internet so all my buddies on jbody.org can endulge themselves in the fruits of his labor." Or something along those lines.

15.149 @ 91.26mph 3-18-2006
Tinytim12333 wrote:That is bull. The instructor doesnt want you to blow the engine, he may be held liable for allowing you to do it.
shifted is right, hell even putting a exhaust on your car is "illegal" according to a cop who said my old stuff "looked" loud while parked.
That cop must have been a fricken no-balls rookie. Tell him to look on the net and see how many exhaust systems he can find that are DOT approved, I'll bet he stops at triple digits.
I guess I was instructed wrong. My mistake.
04 Cavalier LS Sport- Red with factory silver stripes.
16.186 @ 86.98mph
wow, from what i've seen of automotive tech instructors (unless this is like, a wyotech program or something), i would NEVER trust one to tune my car lol....
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said