well I finally busted out my HPT and start looking at my tune and to my surprise I see very little.. very..
btw my cal wasn't in the software and Kieth got back to me that day with a build.. nice service!
The 2 fields I was really looking into were the stoich and the injecter PW multip vs. map. both don't exist in my tune. Now on SpeedracerZ's 99 stock tune the pulse width multp is there but still no stoich. also on Tod's 98 auto tune they do not have either. no stoich I can deal with although it would have been nice (for a seperate deal entirely so don't ask). no multiplier? I cant do any real boost tuning.. tps vs rpm is not something id like to hang my hat on for boost.
any other pre 99 have very little options? also Brian was that 99 a low imp 99? I'm hoping a switch to the 99 pcm will help this.
Sven you totally quarterloafed your computer..