Axis Scaling allows you to change the axis values on the cells... so if you have a spark table from 500 - 6800 rpm and you have a new redline of 8100 rpm you can change the values of the rows and colums to accommodate this.
Currently if we raise the redline past 6800 rpm we end up with a tuning "dead spot" where we can do little with fuel and timing.... HPT reads the last cell as its value to your new redline which in my mind is unacceptable. I need control of that area.
Furthermore if we could scale the axis on our spark tables we could build our own 2 and 3 bar charts rather than just 100% "faking it".
I understand a 2 and 3 bar tune will never be an option from HPT for us, neither will the live tuning or Autotune features, and I can accept that - we don't NEED those they are frills. This we NEED.
If I am paying the ame $680 as the guy who's getting ALL the features I feel that I should be getting at least the bare requirements of what my platform NEEDS in order to use the product properly. Currently the limitations to HPT are a bit aggravating and I'd personally like to see this taken care of if in fact the PCM can handle it.
Feel free to make a post... I think if all Chris has to do is add it we should come together to ask him to make the feature available.
-Sweetness- -Turbocharged- Slowly but surely may some day win this race...