I have a problem with my front hood. When they painted the white lines on the road last summer....i got paint sprayed on my car. Does anyone know what I should use to take the paint spots off without killing my paint job. Also...can anyone recommend a good rubbing compound or idea to get rid of the little chips on the very front of my hood. THanks.
clay bar from mothers should get the overspray off. I like 3m rubbing compound, followed by foam pad polishing compound. As for the chips, there really isnt a good way to get rid of them without refinishing the hood, but you can take some touch up and this will sound weird but squeegee the paint into the chips, the squeegee will level the paint with the surface the better the touch up paint matches, the better the result will look, also before you do anything with the chips, get all the rust and dirt out of the chip , dealerships use the squeegee method to hide chips on used cars be sure to get the excess paint off the hood after the scratches are filled. Another method for fixing chips is to take a book of paper matches and rip a match out and use the torn end to put the touch up paint in the chips, its by far one of the best methods of touching up chips, and cheaper and brushes
Clay bar won't work. How i know this is that my parents own a roadstriping company. They paint the lines on the roads and parking lots etc. Here is a little info. What most people don't know is that road paint contains glass beads which has a reflective effect during night hours. This specialized water borne paint easily adheres to the paint on automobiles as well as the rubber and chrome surfaces. when you go to try and clean the paint off the glass is going to scratch the hell out of your hood. I spoke with my father and he said to use a product called "get off". It comes in 32oz bottles and sells for 19.95. But you can only get it through the manufactor. he said it works wonders and takes the paint right off without scratching the paint. he said it liquidfies it and you just rinse it off. The number to the company is (260)413-4135. Hope this helps.
Thanks. i'll definately order a bottle of that.
hey geeze about the chips thing....... how do you clean the unused part of the touchup paint off with out @!#$ up the wet paint in the chips???
What day is it again?.... I don't sleep enough.....
if you use the squeegee method, get as much off as possible with the squeegee, and use a clean rag with some a light solvent or some paint reducer on it, make sure that the thick paint in the chips is dry first too, or it will come out as sell