Very sweet ride. Too bad you sold it, but I like the S10
- Darren
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s10 does look sick...
Anyother pics?
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Photoshopped how you figure. Here are some more pics
Here is one more with the factory wheels for proof i guess
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thats the reverse of what i did. instead of going from cavlier to s10, i went s10 to cavalier.
ill share some pics:
same here but i had a sanoma, and insted of a cavy, i got a sunfire
Haha, i never owned a Sonaoma.
Your cav was HOT!
96 2.2 5speed
Been OwNEd by a 2.2 lately?
whatever happened to the cav ?
bah your cav sucked!
j/k man....i miss it. it was a great example of what a red cav should look like. but tell me..who did you sell it to...or more appropriately, where did you sell it? i dont think ive seen it around town anywhere.
either way man it brings back good memories. how about the 02 bash? that was a blast....anyway maybe ill see you at a show this summer...the car SHOULD be done by then. still working with bobby at garage trendz?
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I sold the cavy awhile ago. Then the kid that had it sold it to a kid named chad, he lives on south side, so ben you will prolly see it soon. The kid isnt old enough to drive yet, so this is his first car. Lucky kid
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that cav is sick.....s-10 is nice, little to much bling for me
but both are niceeeee
dammm...that would make for a NICE first car!
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That S-10 looks familiar....Is that a Xenon kit on it? I think I've seen it at Grandad's Market on south side.
nice cav nice truck i miss my xtreme after i pay of my cav im getting another white one
its a street scene generation II front, i wanna sell it also
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i like both, the cav was hot tho... too bad you sold it
wow, that cav looks killer, truck too!