What color would you suggest for a 97 cavy coupe? exterior wise... with carbon fiber mirrors and nothing else, but planning on a drift kit
You pick. It doesn't matter what everyone else wants its what you want. I hate people who post and ask questions like this. its like well if i don't get a color that other people have or get a color that everyone likes then you feel that your car won't be accepted. I suggest you jump off a bridge, now would you do that?
two tone, pink and yellow.
spork, i think it would help to look in your registry if the pics were big enough to actually see...
@!#$ brown and neon green
rainbow with pink rims! that would look sweet and you get all the attention you want .
Id say either ariival blue, black, or navy blue with metallic in it.
Yellow and CF just about always look good together...
^^^yellows better
color is all up to you, just keep an eye out and really try and picture what you like
2 words arrival blue......that and cf loooooookkkkk hhhhaaawwwwwttttt inho...or you can go all white
Not unintentionally accelerating since 2009!!!!
I say we start a vote on how many people say blue, lol
TAX ID: 45-8013458577-3
brown and lime green.
man, im forreals. you guys are talking about crappy colors. Im gonna stick to the blue that i have with is blue metallic. im just sayin cause i flipped over a while back and landed on my side and i was thinking of painting the whole thing with a different color or just sticking with the same