how would i get some mesh to cover the outside part of the bumper? i dont want to mount it from behind the bumper because then it'll look like 2 seperate openings. i one just one long opening. heres a pic to show you what i mean..
not like this(this is behind the bumper)
i have this bumper
and i want to mesh it from the ouside.
if i do it from the inside it'll look like this(i added the eyelids cause i have them welded on to my carand i wanted it to look somewhat like mine)
i want it to look like this
completely flush with the bumper. i dont want the bumper to look cheaply done, and if i cut it to the size of the opening i'm afraid the edges of what i cut will scratch the paint.
i also have another little project i plan on doing that will end up looking like this.
any ideas?
also, are there any lips for the bumper? i remember seeing one once that went under the turn signals
I would mount it from behind.
Doing it from the front is not going to look good unless it's perfect and yes, you will scratch your paint if you are not careful.
It's a good idea, but maybe too much trouble.
Just my opinion.
Oh my god!!! I was going to do that. Tell me how you did it when you finally get the mesh in
Ya there is a lip, I have one for sale and I dont think it would be easy to remove the nose piece with the pontiac logo, a big hole will be left u have to fill with something. the bottem piece u might be able to get away with
I actually did remove the front piece that had the logo on it. I just filled it in with body mesh and bondo.
I dont mean to jack the thread but I am getting \ready to put the mesh in my FX bumper. My quistion is is had do you attatch it securly
Here's the front of my Z24.....
My fog lights kept filling with water so l cut the &%$#@*# out.......
how hard was it to remove that center piece?
2006 Black Cobalt SS Supercharged G85
We took the bumper cover off...
The sanded down the build up melted plastic that holds the fog lamps in the cover then we masked the front and used a dremal...
Wasn't that hard but it is something you don't want to rush...
After everything was cut out we sanded for at least 1-1.5hrs....perfectionist...
two tubes of epoxy later...Done...
I've hit a Raccoon with that from end and didn't even dent it...SOLID...
hmmm, sounds like a project... any other tips or pics. if i had money right now i'd buy your lip gutling. is that 75 with the streetglow or no? what color is the streetglow?
im guessing the best, and only way to do it, is dremel out those pices, and fill the gaps lefft behind with fiberglass, and smooth them out. it would look hot, but your gonna have to get the front bumper repainted if you glass those parts.
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^^ def not an option for me. this is more of a "buy mesh, insteart mesh, spent no more money on this" project if you get what i mean. no moneyfor paint, no money for, uh, anything..
i was thinking using something like 3M tape around the front of them where the mesh would touch so it wouldnt scratch the paint(i wouldnt place it anywhere visable) and then after its put on, cut off any pieces of the tape that stick out andfind a better way to stick it to the bumper once its in place. i dont care what it looks like beinhind the mesh cause no one can see back there.
your best bet might be to dremel out the lower part in the middle, and be careful. you could prolly get away with not haveing to reglass or paint, and put the mesh behind. but the top is prolly not gonna work, cuz to cover the emblem part, it would stick out all far, and look crappy IMO
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i'm not concered with the top one right now. as for the bottem, the thing in the middle doest come out all the way to the front, so i can get away with not beng flush as long as pas the thing the middle. it comes out about half wy. i really dont want cut anythng off my bumper..
Dude honestly don't do this, mod......
If you don't cut / epoxy the mesh in
WILL look ricey....
The mesh must be flush and must be secured firmly...epoxy / fiberglass...
Do it from will turn out much better. It sounds like you don't wanna spend alot of time or money or even have any patience with this. If you don't have patience, money or time I would question modding your car.
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