What's the method you know about?
Beat it like it owes you money
From what I read, basically taking all the little things out of the engine (resovoirs, radiator, things like that), covering all the wires with tape or aluminum foil, giving it a good cleaning/degreasing with some steel wool, and then Eastwood makes a product where you have a tube, fill it up with your cars paint color, and u can connect it to an aerosol type can where its pressurized and you can spray. The article is here
http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=1112522 - Says its tedious, and takes about 20 hours of work, but hell if its cheaper than removing the whole engine bay I'm game to try it out at least.
its not all that hard to remove everything from the engine bay. It wasnt even that hard when we removed everything to paint the trans am i used to own.
2004 Cavalier, 2.2L Ecotec
1965 El Camino, 396 BBC, 14:1, 800 BHP
look in my profile
you can see 2 pics of my engine bay painted.
I did it myself and didn't remove the engine.
Remove the coolant resavoir, crusie control module (if you have it), headlights and other things such as the fuse box, and wiring and put it all in the middle of the engine bay ontop of the engine...this way everything is out of the way.
it took me a few days to do, and from black to blue, and for not even 30 dollars in materials im very happy with the results.
i have more pics at home of the process, im at school now other wise i'd post them up for you.
I did this on my last cav. Removed only the stuff that would be easy to take out. Powerwashed the bay and taped off everything i left in. Primed it and sprayed on 3 coats . and after you put everything back in it looks like it came that way.
try removing the engine bay lol