So yeah.. i was tired of my other corners and found my old stock pair I completly forgot about.... Soooo i was thinking JDM when i made these.. more of an "official" JDM corner light.. tell me whut you think on how they turned out.
Yesh, there is no lense over the housing... they look wierd w/o lenses.. but they do look good. Hopefully the lenses will be ready to put on this week sometime

I'll take more pics of the finished product!

Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
-Saint Augustine
looks tight...
in the words of Napoleon: "Lucky!!!"
but can you go off any sweet jumps?
I'm tellin' Uncle Ben!! You stole his RICE!!
"premiere cavalier" coming soon to a street near you!!
all i got was red X's
M.I.L.F. HUNTER Its quarter past 12:00 know where your mom is................................I do
Blah I get the red X. Geocities is bad. This is what I got
The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer. Visit our help area for more information.
04 Cavy LS Sport
DOh too many looking at the page bah. You guys have hosting through anyone else? that doesnt do the stupid limited hits per day @!#$?i forget who i used to use. I guess i could toss em on cardomain tonight when i get home. Try opening the pics in a window.. look at the URL, where it says GOD558 replace that w/ twiztidtroll, then go find it. it'll pop up I had this same problem lastnight and had to make a new file storage account on geoshytties. if that dun work I'll UL them to Car domain for you all. I do apologise for the crapy hosting.. if you know of any other file storage place, that would be awesome as all hell!

Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
-Saint Augustine
i can see em and i think they look pretty good.
ty cannon.

i think tehy turned out rahter nicely

Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
-Saint Augustine
BTW, what bulb is that your using for the blue effect in your headlights? i stuck a red LED in the drain hold of my headlights, but its as bright as i;d like it to be. the one your using it brighter and fills the whole light up. did you stick it in the hole thats already there or did you drill a new one?
they look kinda funny with out the lens , LOL
atleast they wont fog up that way , LOL
they dont look bad
funny thing though my 00 toyota corners are chrome inside not black
that looks pretty cool actually. have fun replacing bulbs though.

what is it? where did you stick it in?! how much did it cost?
strobe light i believe you can get them any website or parts store good set are like 20 i could be wrong
one problem your going to short circut alot
SomeGuy wrote:
what is it? where did you stick it in?! how much did it cost?
Yupp that be them man. They're Streetglow Headlight neons. Alot of places sell them. I drilled the hole right beneath the headlight to hide them and they seem to reflect really well there. They run around $28 + shipping I got mine from Car/ the install I would advise you take off the headlight cover (Plastic shell) and drill from the back. I can write you a How to: if you want me to. It's not difficult at all. wiring them is a snap. Look at (that's where i get all of my neons genrally, dirt cheap & genrally free shipping) But yeah them are headlight neons, not strobes. they look exzactly the same only they're neons not strobes. LED's are a glow they're more of a shine so i'd not advise using them. Well if anyone else has anymore questions post em or email me.

Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
-Saint Augustine
Jonathan French (minitransam) wrote:that looks pretty cool actually. have fun replacing bulbs though.
whut'd you mean by this? replacing the corner bulb? it's still the stock corner and comes out it jsut doesnt have the lense over the housing. which i'll be working on this weekend i think. to change the bulb you just pop the corner out and change the bulb LOL
Josh Vaughan wrote:one problem your going to short circut alot
As for short circuiting.. whut you mean? the bulbs protected from rains by teh orange stock shroud and when you seal any light wether it be the housing or neons.. anything that will be in the elements Silicone is yoru best friend
Seals it air tight preventing leaking or moisture. That's how i keep the longevity of my neons.. I silicone the hell out of them.. around anywhere moisture can creep in and possibly screw something up. Always a smart thing to do
saves money

Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
-Saint Augustine
thats cool man. i dunno bout cavi's, but my fire headlights already have a hole on the corner with a plug in it. if i remove the plug, its just a hole. i think it'd use that. what does it look like if you turn both the neaon and the headlight on? blue and white? they have them in red? thanks man, i really want a pair now, my red LED's look so dark in comparison
Once you get the lens clear housing put back over it, that will be very nice. Glad to see instead of complaining about how you can't find black corners on ebay that you did something about it. As a matter of fact I think the look better than the ones on ebay.

Proud member of
JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
I think it looks @!#$ hot!!!
SomeGuy wrote:thats cool man. i dunno bout cavi's, but my fire headlights already have a hole on the corner with a plug in it. if i remove the plug, its just a hole. i think it'd use that. what does it look like if you turn both the neaon and the headlight on? blue and white? they have them in red? thanks man, i really want a pair now, my red LED's look so dark in comparison
Fire's would be silimar you can do the same.. just drill right underneath the headlight like i did. If you turn on your headlights.. well my low beams are 100 watts. LOL so i can't see the blue. But w/ a lesser wattage you might be able to. I wouldn't count on it tho. yes they have them in red, orange, white, green, neo blue, turqoise, pink, yellow, purple.. ect.. all of streetglow's colors!
Like i told ya bro... or for them. Streetglow makes them, they're "headlight neons".
Zach Hilton wrote:Once you get the lens clear housing put back over it, that will be very nice. Glad to see instead of complaining about how you can't find black corners on ebay that you did something about it. As a matter of fact I think the look better than the ones on ebay.
dubduce18s wrote:I think it looks @!#$ hot!!!
Thanks guys! means alot. I think they look better than the ones on ebay as well. These look like an actually JDM corner.. they are usually black & orange in color.. and very "Clean" looking. I've always like JDM honda heads & tails. If you all want to know how to make them if you're interested i can let you know
just FYI dont try taking apart after market corners.. the plastic is brittle & breaks too easily.

Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
-Saint Augustine
I'm with Zach...nice corners! undecided about not having a cover...finish the car up, then ask me