This is my second time attempting this. RK will not sell me one piece, and I see no need to buy the whole set, when I'm only missing one side for the rear.
It is 3"x8" and the long opening in the mesh goes vertical.
Anyone who can help me out, let me know
Joe, shoot me an email, i may be able to help you out.
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E-mail sent.
Anyone who can help, please still post.
Didnt get your email Joe, so i sent you one
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I might be able to help, but I got to look around. I think I have some of the right stuff. I got some of the grill from my Streetfire Rear bumper. I think it is the same stuff, but I don't know where it is. I might of tossed it in the moved last weekend, but I will look around.
for anybody looking at this post, i need the grill inserts for the type J rear, lol.
sorry joe for jacking your thread
Want a spoiler like mine? I know a seller. Email me.
Adam, @!#$ you, I'm first
Hey Joe, RK said they could get the piece, but when all was said and done it would only be a couple of bucks cheaper, so you best off going with the whole set, ill get you a good deal on it if you interested. Sorry i couldn't be more help though.
Best of luck!
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It's really irritating having a $1000 RK Sport bodykit, and having them not be able to GIVE me one piece of $2 mesh.
I called and offered to pay shipping and the works, and they still wouldn't do @!#$ for me.
I appreciate your help Travis, though I will just be patient and wait for Fetter it seems, as he will take care of me. I was just trying to get things done faster, as he is out of town.
No problem Joe. Let me know if you need anything else.
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