I know I've asked this before, but after 30 minutes of searching, I cannot find the thread I asked it in, so I'll just ask one more time =P
Anyways, I have an Optix kit, and they're pretty bright but I'm sure that the Streetglow Golds would be brighter. The Golds come with a 9500 volt/watt(?) transformer. I don't remember the exact number off the Optix kit, but I'm sure it's not as high.. so my question is, if I were to use a transformer from a Streetglow Gold kit on my Optix tubes, would it make them bright? Or would it do nothing, or worse yet, blow the tubes out?
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the both have diffrent methods of wiring them up
Optix- run all 4 neon pos/neg wires to the lil box
gold-no pos/neg.. 1 wire from each end of the tubes... loop them all together and put the transformer between two of them than run that to the battery
atleast thats the way both mine worked
you could blow the tubes, dont mess w/ them.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
Ok well that answers that question =)
So, is there anyway to make them a bit brighter? It's no big deal if I can't, cuz they're pretty good as-is, I was just curious is all.
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