i have seen a couple of these hoods in pictures but i have not seen any on the market. would i have to kustom make one or is there somewhere to buy it
since you bought your 97 cav for 350 bucks im hoping youhave fixxed it up before you plan on gettin this hood
but here it is
Tabasco Racing
if ya want more pictures of it on a car....search for Meckster...he has it on his cav
i have "fixed it up" but everything i have don i am having second thoughts on because of the ghetto factor such as 91 sunfire turbo fender flares and 94 cavi z24 skirts "modded to fit" i think i am gonna save up some $$$ over the summer and get a real body kit
Travieso 2.4 wrote:I think Meckster has the Class Glass Performance hood on his car.
nope...thats actually mecksters car pictured on tabasco racings site...old pic of course
does anybody know if that hood is made for sunfires? i have yet to find it, but i kinda like it, everytime i see someone post about it, it grows on me just alittle more, and i'm thinkin with the evil eyes i'm planning for that hood will add the attitude i want in my car.
Sound Speed Motorsports is where you can find it. Double Snorkel Hood I believe.
Good luck
I can't see the pic but both Class Glass and SoundSpeed both make a dual snorkel hood. Meckster has the class glass style and can be identified with both vents angled back. The SoundSpeed hood have the vents going straight across. I kind of dig the Soundspeed hood.
Convert 00+ headlights to 95-99
well that purple car is from soundspeed.
so check them out
I have it for the cavalier and I have an insurt for it if your interested.
<a href="http://www.whiteboy.ca"><img src="http://www.illusioneye.com/wblogo.gif" border="0" target="_blank">
<a href="http://www.whiteboy.ca/details.asp?ID=189"> TECHNIC LIP - GET YOURS FIRST</a>
i really wish they made this hood for the 03+ cavys i love it
you can buy that hood at spydarauto.com I bought my hood there, they need lots of body work.
Not trying to post jack so excuse me for a moment while i redirect attention
. White boy, i saw that you have some inserts on your site for hoods, i'm really interested in the class glass style slash cuts, the other one is kinda cool just alittle to rough for my final goal with my car, if you can make them then i would deffinatly be interested, if anyone else knows where i can find that hood, same hood as on mecksters car for a 95-99 sunfire i'd be very very happy
. thanks in advance...... we now return you to your regularly scheduled reading.
I think I have a hood insert close to his, I will need to check in the garage and I will get back to you on it. I know it looks close.
<a href="http://www.whiteboy.ca"><img src="http://www.illusioneye.com/wblogo.gif" border="0" target="_blank">
<a href="http://www.whiteboy.ca/details.asp?ID=189"> TECHNIC LIP - GET YOURS FIRST</a>
Someone rang? It is indeed the SS Type 2 Hood from Soundspeed.
last summer:
If you do it right you can paint the underside of the hood