Please post 4 door body kits, and where they are from prefer for Sunfires, but Cavalier sides and rear bupmers will fit too. Thanks
Yes or No??? and what sides would look good, IF? Rear, type J?
I think I'm getting closer.... now all I need is good 4 door side skirts
almost every time i see you post on here your asking for other people to tell you what looks original get somethign YOU LIKE after all it is YOUR car....just take off the stupid stickers before you worry about the kit
and yes i know i told you not to worry so much about what other people think and then told you how to make it look better...shhhhhh
get rid of the stickers i like the front and rear for the sides the IF ones will be your best bet
take all the stickers off the car..... looks likeapc took a sh!t on it.
"c'mon pookie we gonna burn this mother fncker down"
Advice, clean smooth lines, the rear bumper your posted IMO won't flow well with that front. Keep in mind you have a sedan, go with a modest approach, to aggressive and it'll look ricey.
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Yep. Sedans need cleaner, more modest lines in the kit in order to really stand out... A much smoother rear, like the BC2, would fit best.
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i guess some would consider mine a little too far. and some would also say mine is a little ricey, it still looks good though in my oppinion. just make sure YOU are happy with what YOU do. good luck with what ever your decision is.
a lil too much? Joshua, in your last post with the front bumper, eye lids, that hood, and projectors, the car looks like its gunna eat anything in its way... wether this is a good or bad statement, im not sure yet, but it would scare me if i was in front of it lol
On the other have other fingers.
THE WORLDS FIRST GAY POTATO!:Amaze and delight your friends, dress it up, take it to the cinema or just sit and admire it's firm silky buttocks and when your bored of it .. lob it in a casserole dish with some onions and carrots.