Is it possible to install a sunroof on my car?
Dan, anything is possible, but like all other mods, you get what you pay for. Keep in mind, someone, be it you or a shop is gonna be cuttin' a huge hole in the roof of your car. I'm not saying the most expensive qoute mens anything, but a reputable shop with a good history would be a start. ask around, and check out the yellow pages in your area. Look for a shop that's been installing for a while. This is a good thing.
Gotta keep on livin', L-I-V-I-N
Can I only get those cheap ones or would it be possible to get those electronic ones?
they can install a power sunroof, but as stated above, find a shop that has been doing this work for a while
On the other have other fingers.
THE WORLDS FIRST GAY POTATO!:Amaze and delight your friends, dress it up, take it to the cinema or just sit and admire it's firm silky buttocks and when your bored of it .. lob it in a casserole dish with some onions and carrots.
To give you an idea, I got a power sunroof installed in my car, by a shop that has been doing it for over 10 years, and it cost me $750. Dont get me wrong, its a nice roof, automatically closes when you shut the car off, 3 preset positions, etc. But as has been posted already, you get what you pay for. IMO, if you dont have the money to be paying 500+, then wait until you can.
LiLiNoRe (Live Life No Regrets)
hey Q_bert, did you have any problemes with it leaking and did you have to remove any major braces on your roof?
the shop that is doin mine has been doin git for 15 year, and is under contract with the dealer i bought my car. They offer a lifetime warranty on the sunroof for leaks and damage. just do your research.
there are full aftermarket motorized sunroofs..ususally cost anywhere from 600-a grand to install one
I actually have the same deal as James on my sunroof. On top of that, it has only been out of storage for a total of like a month since I got it installed, and then has been stored all winter.
LiLiNoRe (Live Life No Regrets)
I have thought about adding one ever since I baught the car. I wanted a sunroof at time of purchase, but they only came in two doors. I will see if it is worth it.