Look any good... anyone done it? pictures?
It won't look very good... It will like incomplete..Most likely it will make it look like dealer rice.
Sold 2/2/05
looks retarded.

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
yup, if you can only afford to do one major appearance mod to your car, lower it. A lowered, stock looking car (almost) always looks better than a car with a body kit and is otherwise stock.
<img src="http://img53.exs.cx/img53/3803/sig21ps.jpg" width="388" height="197" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" />
" Im 18 more mature than you" - Bortsy!!
i gotta agree with J caff, spend your 5 to 600 on lowering you'll be much happier with the outcome, low cars look sweet period, bodykits without lowering or at least rims look like rice boy stuff, besides that if you can afford the body kit plus the labor to install it, the materials to paint it and if you arent doing it yourself the cash to pay the body shop to fit and finish then i would totally lower it and stick some nice rims on there it'll be somethin you can take pride in knowing you did something really nice with your cash.
IMO you can have a kit on stock rims (z rims or something like that) but not steelies.
and you can get away with not lowering it only if you have nice rims. my friends z has the blitz kit with enkies but not lowered and it looks ok.
here is my car lowered with a kit but on stock rims....
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tabasco/JBO%20ad%20banner%20brown.jpg">
^^^ agreed, if you have Z24 rims or LS Sport rims, it doesn't look bad at all. but if you're sportin hubcaps, forget about it. lol. i did that, and now i have pictures of my car that look really good except for the fact that i've got hubcaps on. it looks incomplete.
^^^^ i agree i have 18's but right now i'm running the stockers with hubcaps while i'm doing the body work on it and it lookes horrible
<img src=http://www.deephousepage.com/smilies/club.gif>
shifteds car looks ok because the drift kit sits much lower than any other kit. my buddy had a bomex kit w/ gc on his z with the stock z rims and it looked really good
here's mine, stock rims, stock height..... Its being bagged this summer so im not going to waste money lowering it now, and rims will be the last thing that i do.
ps. the door striker is level now.
This is my Sig.... its wonderful isn't it...
As long as its lowered, it will be fine.
without lowering... dont bother, just keep it kitless
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez05sig.jpg">