I emailed but didn't know if perhaps it went through. I would like to order a full drift kit and like my dilemma before want it shipped to a business. If I order over the phone can I get it delivered to the business? I would be paying via credit card or would you rather have me send a money order. Also is the turn around time is 2-4 weeks?
Thanks in Advance,
Ben is a great guy! I'm sure he can take care of everything you want to do. I just saw him get online also!
sorry for any problems.....ive emailed you back with all your inquiries. this is what ive gotten for the past two days when trying to reply to your email:
The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by the server. The rejected e-mail address was 'nocturnal_weaver@hotmail.com'. Subject 'Re: Heather from JBO', Account: 'mail.streetsourcemag.com', Server: 'mail.peoplepc.com', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 relaying to
prohibited by administrator', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC79
i figured it was just your email address that was messing up since ive not had any other problems like this. anyway, this was my last reply to you.
I cannot make any guarantees with the ship time on the kits, however the
drift is usually in stock. For your order, you dont need to print anything
off. Just be sure to say what you want, where you want it shipped, and if
possible, a part #.
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tabasco/JBO%20ad%20banner%20brown.jpg">
That is weird because I havn't received any e-mail from anyone. I apologize for that now I know why. Curse Hotmail. Would it be a lot easier to call and place an order with a credit card? Or can I purchase online with a credit card. Keeping in mind I want to send to a business addy. What ever is easiest for you. I will work with you.
you mean you havent received ANY reply yet? or just not the last one?
either way, if you are having problems with online ordering, i would recommend sending in a MO. include with it what its for, etc like i said above ^^^ . security reasons make us ship anything paid via credit card or paypal to the billing address. i hate having to enforce that, but due to a few crooked individuals its something i have to do.
btw...if you have AIM, my s/n is tabascocavalier. it might be easier to chat this all up than playing post tag
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tabasco/JBO%20ad%20banner%20brown.jpg">
I don't have AIM. It always seems to bog down my pc. I will send Money Order tommorow with all the info. That way it will save us all the headache. I will send the letter certified just something I have always done since i got screwed on ebay. Also I havn't received a reply or any email from anyone. I just figured no one cared
I thought something was up because you have always been quick with responses. Anyways look foward to doing business with you.
Ben won't cheat you. He knows I'll whip his @$$ if he does.
wanna send it to this address then:
POB 867
954 Washington St
Elizabeth, WV 26143
just moved....thanks
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tabasco/JBO%20ad%20banner%20brown.jpg">
Ben I decided to go ahead and pay the extra money to have it shipped to my house. I tried to order off your website but said there was an error after I filled out my address. It is my husbands card so he said he tried calling but got the answering machine. He said he would try again in a bit. Just didn't know if something was up or something else we had to do. Thanks
Bens' working tonight til 10 Eastern time. As soon as I talk to him again, I'll let him know to check out this thread again.
Man. I sound like his secretary.
Thank you that would be a great help. Most likely have to order Monday as it looks now. Not sure what was wrong with website. After address screen I click continue and got the HTTP 500 error.
Also, he's been having trouble with his phone. Not sure if he got that fixed or not. When he hooked up the DSL at his new place, his phone quit working, so I don't know about that one. Did you email him? That's usually the easiest way to get him if you need to.
Tabasco_ant@hotmail.com is the one that I usually reach him on.