I was grinding around the area of my inner tails lights because I'm shaving them. I forgot to throw a blanket or something over the Back Glass and tiny pieces of molten metal hit the glass and burned themselves into it. I didn't realize it until this morning because I had specs of rust all over the glass from when the metal rusted last night. I've picked most of the pieces out, and they left a little bit of a hole, about 1/64 - 1/32. Is there anything I could use to fill this in? It looks very ugly, I thought about sanding it, but I've never sanded glass and I don't know if that's a good idea to begin with. Thanks for any help.
Its prolly gonna have to be replaced. I did this to my last car, when i was doing my eyelids, but i sold the car 2 days later so i didnt have to mess with it.
That really sucks. You don't think that I could sand the crap out of it and use some finish restorer on it? If that stuff works on glass...
You could try it, but be ready to go get a new window before you do, because ive never heard of anyone sanding on tempered glass before.
Allright, thanks for your help.
aaaaaah just smash it and get a new one slapped on haha
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/scoobyz24/personal_pic.jpg">
-Bryan Dube
Team Drop Zone
Vice President
I'm too poor, lol! I guess I just have to deal with it until it gets broken...
smash file a police report and say someone broke into your car

oh wait did i just encourage fraud
M.I.L.F. HUNTER Its quarter past 12:00 know where your mom is................................I do
Chances are, your gonna have to replace it because where it's tempered glass it will break. My husband had welding splatter to burn itself into his rear glass on his truck and it shattered about 3 days later.
AHH the wonderfull thing knowing a guy who does glass.... and living in a state where auto glass is included in insurance... on my old cav i had all the glass replaced in my car. for free.
Well, I really hope it doesn't shatter, but if it does, I do have full coverage so I guess I'll be getting a new Rear Windshield.
BTW would that make my insurance go up?
no it shouldnt i just had my windsheild replace the other day because it cracked when i was washing it
Great. Thanks for everyone's help. Looks like I'm gettin a new window!
Wetsand and buff it. Use 1500-2000 grit sand paper and it WILL come out. I locked my keys in my car one time and i got pissed off and grabbed a slim jim and went crazy on it. I ended up scratching the @!#$ out of the window. I just wetsanded and buffed it out. Looked like new. Try it..what do you have to lose?
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/zipnbyu/personal_pic.jpg>