My hood sets to far to the passenger side and covers the passenger headlight some. I've tried adjusting the hinges, the latch and even trying to line it up with the hinges disconnected to no avail. The previous owner got a replacement door from a sunfire, any chance this is the wrong hood for the car?
any advice would be appriciated.
Causa latet vis est notissima
DIY Clear 03+ Headlights
putting the passenger side fender on, or the drivers side moving it in? I don't mind the gam at the fender so much, it's that it's not even straight with the headlights.
Causa latet vis est notissima
DIY Clear 03+ Headlights
I have the same problem on mine, I tried everything and I cant fix it, I figured ill just move my fender a little bit in, like make some other holes for the screwss to fit.
yeah, I think I might need to move the higes around some. I'll know more once I get the other fender on.
Causa latet vis est notissima
DIY Clear 03+ Headlights
those gaps are so big the space shuttle can fit in there...lol......ok first thing remove the secondary latch so the hood is not latchin when you are tryin to fit sheet metal
adjust the hood at the hinges that bolt to the hood not goin to the cowl or firewall what ever you want to call it
i know the cavy`s don`t really have much adjustment but then try goin to the colw bolts to get a bit more adjustment
if that don`t work i would make the holes bigger on the fenders not the hood
make sure all the lines fit nice and are even then install the lights and then the latch
you can adjust the latch side to side up and down and you can also adjust the bump stops on the core support to make the hood close and open real nice
if the car was hit you have MAJOR sway in the core support and it needs to be pulled on a frame rack
can i haz bondo