Just wondering who has put thier corner lights in the oven to pull them apart? Just wanted to get an idea of the temp and the length of time to keep them in there. Also will the light itself warp?
Well I did find that 265 degrees is the perfect temp leave them in there for about 12 minutes... and wear some gloves! pry easily or you'll do like me and brake 4 sets before doing it right!
If the lights are older like you have had them for a couple of years you end up just melting them in the oven, that was the problem I had. For alot of people it works but for some it doesn't If not you have to cut the backs off them.
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JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
12 minutes? hell i put a whole eclipse and celica headlight in the oven and within like 4-5 minutes they were ready to pull apart.
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Thats what I was getting at, times vary I don't care what some instructions on the net say. All ovens are different to an extent.
Proud member of
JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
depends on the oven too...
i did my 04 lights at 200 for 5-7 min and they almost fell apart