i just had my body kit and paint finished on friday. it did not even make it through the weekend!!!! some little f&@k%!* kids threw mustard and ranch dressing all over my car( the car was sitting partially in the sun under my carport. when i saw it like 4 or 5 hours after it happened, and the cop was done with pics i washed the car only to find out that the mustard blotched my paint and now i can see yellow marks where ever the ish was at!!! does any one know if there is something (other than repainting) i can do to remove the marks. i washed the spots like 10 times and its still there. it actually looks like it stained the paint or something. i don't know if it matters or not but i painted the car graphite pearl (Lexus is300)
P.S. if someone knows anyone that can make these kids disappear
i would love to know j/k
Try a rubbing compound before that, then if it doesn't work, wetsand it. If it on the surface, there's no need to go that far down...
ill try to post pics of the damage tomorrow when it is light out.
this is pretty much what the whole car looked like bfore i washed it.
do you think that it would be worth it to try and get my insurance to cover it?? or do you think i should try to polish/ wetsand first?? also, remember the car was just painted on friday. will i be able to polish or wetsand with the paint that new?
Just high speed buff it. You shouldn't need to wetsand it, but you may want to just incase. I dont see it messing with anything other than the top coat of clear. Basically what a high speed buffer does, is take that top layer off. First buff it with a wool pad and compound, and then with a waffle pad and polish.
It will be fine to wetsand and buff and all of that.
take it back to the shop that painted it and ask them about it
cause you still might not be able to do anything with the fresh paint yet
i know they usually say to wait a few weeks before waxing it cause the solvents have to evaporate first
^^Yeah, it takes about 6 weeks for the paint to fully cure, so you might just be SOL, plus the acid in the mustard may have done some serious damage to the paint. I would try and find the little bastards and smack 'em a few times.
I agree with Jason... find out who @!#$ up your car and make them pay for it. I have a camera on my dash now 'cause the same thing happened with my old car and I want to make sure I catch anyone who tries to do it again.
- Ken
'99 Z24, Manual
Take it back to the shop and see if they can buff it out or wetsand it out. Your not suposed to use regular polish's for like 6 weeks. But they have all the good stuff that will probably take care of it.
Other than that, someone keyed my car once, Got every panel, I turned it in on insurance and got a check and my insurance idnt go up b/c it was considered vandalism. Your insurance might work the same way.
As for the kids, I would kill them
POLYFIBER kits $375 (BMX, BC2, Blitz, Drift, KMAX) *
If all else fails, go through your insurance....it will be covered under your comprehensive. Give them the police case number and your insurance adjuster will come out and take a look. All you have to do is pay your deductable..Thats it. I would go that route. Also, your premium will not go up
My tires were slashed last week and I ended up getting new ones and paid $50 for a deductable.
good luck
like winks said, its just normal hand polish and all that your not supposed to use for 6 weeks. New paint is ussually wetsanded and buffed anyway to get any runs and dirt knicks out of the clear coat. I would take it to the shop and see how much they would charge to buff it out, but i would hurry just incase it goes through any more coats of clear.
what about a claybar? or does that have waxing agents in it?
In a few weeks, run down the kid in an isolated area and clean your bumper very hard
It'll be damn near impossible to prove you did it
Just put some ketcup on it now
J/K man that really sucks ass, do what they said, take it to the shop and ask what to do.
<a href="http://www.whiteboy.ca"><img src="http://www.whiteboy.ca/images/whiteboysig.jpg" border="0" target="_blank">
ya, i vote for take it to the shop see if they have some advice or if they can fix it, tell them to write up a bill of sale on anything they do, next find the little rats that did that to your car and offer them a choice... 1. they pay the bill 2. find a buddies car whos paint is set or if they are old enough their car put some ranch dressing all over the car and take their heads and clean the car with it, remember to rinse and repeat
^^^ werd..take it to the shop like everyone else said...
btw...find those kids..get em on the ground..and soak them with ranch and mustard..yummm..or if they have cars..do what J~ said..good idea
hmmm not sure i'd use the mustard and ranch on their cars... one of those two wrongs don't make a right. but you can still kick their asses because it's a different wrong! lol That only applies unless they drive like, riced out hondas or something, then do both.
^^^^^ werd srry about the car man
Carnauba won't seal your paint. A glaze, then a carnauba wax should do the trick. Read some more on it, it won't stop your paint from curing.
id also have to go with the "take it back to the shop" answer.
then find the little bastards and their parents and shove a mustard bottle up all their behinds!!! damn i hate little punks, and their parents. no respect being taught in the household. makes me angry just thinking about it.
No no, you guys got it all wrong, id just go to their house find out where they sleep and before they go to bed put musterd and mayo in their beds and then kick their asses!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANY THING ELSE IS JUST UN AMERICAN!!!!!!
"Your a mean mean maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!!!"
guts i want to thank you all for the advice. i took it to the shop today and since my mom knows the owner they buffed it out for FREE!!!! no more damage. plus they wrote up a bill so when i find the F#$%s i can still collect on it. you guys are awsome. now if you all know a good hitman let me know. A hitman is so much cleaner
I have couple of cousins out in East L.A. that belong to 18th street I'm sure they would know a "hitman"
put bolonga on thier car he he
beer is like a chick.. well not really its just beer, it be cool thou huh?