i was wondering is it just double sided tape like the badges on the car and can i remove it by using a heat gun and fishing line the other badges . thanks
Its either riveted or bolted on, i dont see a license plate holder being taped on. If it is then that is extremely gay on gm's part.
It is unfortunately bolted on. I looked at removing mine too, and decided it was easier just to put something in it for the time being.
I may not be the sharpest crayon in the box, but at least I'm a pretty color
i had to remove mine when i replaced the bumper and it was riveted on and i just used wire cutters to cut it off.... oh yeah its a 01
yea, definitely riveted. i had some work done to my front bumper to remove some scratches. left it off, but left the holes in it in case the cops give me any problems.
Black4drcavy wrote:i had to remove mine when i replaced the bumper and it was riveted on and i just used wire cutters to cut it off.... oh yeah its a 01
Im a little confused. I just got my 03 ls sport and the bracket is rivited on.. How do I go about getting it off?
Wire cutters doesnt seem right . Thought about drilling them out but I dont really want to
Stupid Virginia!
You gotta have a front plate here or they'll pull you over in about 2 seconds...
I took a drill bit and drilled out the center of the rivet... took about 5 minutes once I got the right bit size and a good battery in my drill... I don't remember the exact size I used. I want to say 3/8 but that seems a little big to me...
Knowledge about everything and yet an expert of nothing!!
Jack of all trades.
I have an 05 and its just screwed on using two small scrwes, and when you remove them, you barely see the holes?
on my old 00 it was riveted.. i believe it took a 1/8" or 3/8" bit.. bought some rubber chaulking i think it was(dad had it laying around) and just let it sit for 3 days then sanded it down and used touch up paint on it..im not 100% sure on what it was i used to fill the holes but some kind adhesive that will flex and harden so u can sand it down..oratleast take a razor and cut it even with the rest of the bumper..