I cracked my front bumper on a curb. Its an extreme dimensions bomex front bumper. How would I go about patching it up I'm gonna remove the kit and sell it.
"I don't know nigg@ sometimes you just gotta race"- Dave Chappelle
no one? really? no one can help me?
"I don't know nigg@ sometimes you just gotta race"- Dave Chappelle
fusor or hwoever u psell it
Depends on how bad the crack is. If it's minor, fusor will work. If it's a bigger crack, you'll have to make metal "Brackets" for the inside of the bumper where you won't see it, and recess the rivets in the front and fill them in so you won't see them. My streetfire front has a large crack, and all the fusor in the world won't hold it permanently, and that's what I'm going to have to do. But like I said, if it's minor, FUSOR should work...
id like to know how to fix holes....:S
Elmer's Glue...
I would like to know too for future reference.....
Quiklilcav wrote:I've been trying to find the answer to this one myself. I was thinking of modding my IF front bumper, but I wanted to know if anyone has any experience with it modifying eurethane (other than glassing).
I want to replace the piece between the headlights with the piece from a factory bumper so that I have the opening there where the hood meets the bumper. I think it breaks up the lines just right.
As far as modifying urethane goes... and cutting and replacing parts... I would say to use the same method I described in my post above, and make SURE you have the cut JUST right. Then use a urethane epoxy compound to fill in the areas. I'd make sure the part of the stock bumper you cut off had a VERY VERY small gap (like 1/16 of an inch MAYBE) and make small lightweight metal "support brackets" to make sure it holds in place, then use the urethane compound to fill in and adhere the new piece to the area you cut out. I would leave the metal brackets behind the bumper just for extra support and structure. Urethane when molded has a good flexible structure to it... but when it's cut or cracked that same structure will never be exactly the same... unless you have the metal support brackets in place to assure of the stability.
As far as holes go... how big of holes are we talking about??? Smaller holes you can just use a urethane compound to fill in. Larger ones you may have to use a VERY fine mesh securely attatched to the rear (inside) of the bumper, and use the urethane compound to fill it in from there and make it nice and smooth. (may take a few coatings and sandings) I would use FUSOR or SpeedGrip.
where do you by that stuff?
Most auto body suppliers have it... maybe ask a body shop where they get theirs... or if they'd know anyone that carries it... or do an online search for FUSOR or Speed Grip and see if there's any place where it has local retailers
fusor is good ..........if u CAN plastic weld it......or both is even better