I was just wondering how hard the APC LED 2dr mirors are to put on my 03 sunfire. Could i do it myself or have to take it to the body shop. If you have done it before please post some instructions.
How difficult/long is the installation?
unscrew triangle plastic piece by the mirror
remove the three screws holding mirror (the one in the corner is a bitch to take off and put back on)
remove mirror
replace with new mirror
tap into head light wiring wether u want it to stay on or blink with turn signals (forgot what color does which)
paste little black box behind door panel
tidy up wiring
put triangle piece back on
should take about 20 mins for each mirror, but that one screw in the corner gave me the most trouble
happy happy joy joy
Good description............ Pics would be better but im not taking my mirrors off again to take em..
I Love Anything Fast Enough I Can Do Something Stupid On
Just cause it's a domestic don't mean she can't kick your damn rice's @$$
That thing gotta ecotec? Un Huh!