Hey all.. Not sure where this would go although What I am wanting to do is find a company that can fabricate some pieces for my cav. In addition, Im also looking to find a company that will fabricate some different style lights for my cavalier (im not talking just inserting projectors) Im talking a complete re-design (housing and lens). Does anyone know of a company I could contact or send me in the right direction? I have emailed many companies about fabrication and none seem to want to get involved in something like that.
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2.2 Ecotec Swap Completed!!!
what parts do you want fabricated? you havent been very specific.....
im not too worried about doing my body mods at this time but Im looking for a company to make a set of special 1 off HID capable projectors designed the way I want them to be for my 03 lights with a newly designed insert inside and a new outer shell..
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2.2 Ecotec Swap Completed!!!
got 20 G's?
<a href="http://www.whiteboy.ca"><img src="http://www.whiteboy.ca/images/whiteboysig.jpg" border="0" target="_blank">
Yeah that's going to cost a pretty penny to hae some one MAKE you your own one of a kind headlights.
2006 Cobalt SS 2.4L 9.6 @74mph 1/8th mile w/2.28 60ft
TechnicZ wrote:Yeah that's going to cost a pretty penny to hae some one MAKE you your own one of a kind headlights.
Its not just that, its that any company that is capable of doing something like that is going to want a commitment of making a certain number of parts. Parts + mold, shipping, etc, it adds up.
4cyltuner.com - Information Source For 4 Cylinder Tuners
Buy stuff from CarCustoms Ebay! Won't be disappointed!
its all true..
were acctually trying to deal with few companies to mass produce some sunfire projectors . its a pretty penny though.. investment of at least $20,000.
for now were going to make projectors for the cavalier and sunfire by hand >
<a href="http://www.whiteboy.ca"><img src="http://www.whiteboy.ca/images/whiteboysig.jpg" border="0" target="_blank">
Well... White boy, what will the 03 ones look like that your going to produce? I saw in another post you made that you will be making some for 03 style. I have already cleared my lights so maybe I could just send you mine and some cash and have you whip something up.
<img src="http://members.aol.com/streetrcn22/myhomepage/banner.jpg">
2.2 Ecotec Swap Completed!!!