question on the 04 cavaliers the piece in the front that holds the bowtie on...the long piece....i know that one piece comes off the car completely....its like heavy duty plastic/ do i get that looks like that strip is bolted on....what size bolts or do i get that off i wanna do something with that strip....
thanks in advance...
I believe there are just two clips that you need to squeeze and give it a pull. If you reach around behind the plastic bars/grill you will be able to feel them. Be gentle though........
^ i think thats right. if u're gonna get rid of yours, i'll buy it from ya
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
two clips and double sided tape pops right off. But it looks stupid without it don't bother.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
On my '04 there are 3 clips that hold the plastic piece in place. I usually just pull it off gently working from side to side. But when you pull it off there is the ugly looking brace behind it that I don't believe comes off.
/\ /\ /\ OOPS hes right 3 clips my bad.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Could be 3 clips.......I know at least two....and the brace behind it is hideous.......
it just pulls off. it is held on by 3 clips. very easy to take off.
thank you .....i'm not looking to get rid of it....i'm just needing to get that emblem off and figure if i can take it off and bring it in the house i'll use the hair dryer to do it....thank you all ....
I took the whole piece of as well when I was removing the emblem on mine. Plus when I put the new carbon fiber emblem on it was easier for me to put the C-clamps on to hold the emblem on.
ok so than on the 04's there are just 3 clips that hold it on and i can just kinda wiggle it off easily from these clips and it should just snap back on than...correct?
thanks again