ok so i ordered the
BC2 kit with the
razzi wing on
my car
now that im back on the modding train, i am thinking of going with the OEM CF hood, but i cant decide if i want to go with the CF or keep the blue flowing
i was also looking at wheels but i am wayyyy outa the whole wheels scene
so give me your comments, your oppinions, anything you wanna
if you have suggestions for wheels or anything else send those my way too
@!#$ son, thats a clean J!! If I were you I woulda just gone rims, but the BC2 kit will look great.
IMO - Keep your stock hood, the CF thing is starting to get old.
i think that this wing will really flow with your ride.
id go with your bc2 kit, razzi wing (but c/f), and c/f turbo sport hood.
as for the rims, ADR makes a metallic gun metal, (i believe its called "high metallic black"). i wish i could show you what these rims look like. when i ordered my 5th wheel, they sent me these instead of what i ordered. i had never seen them before and they looked so damn cool. its not this "painted" gun metal. it is like chrome, but gunmetal in color.
i believe that would make a very nice clean ride with your blue as the color.
this is all just my opinion. good luck in your search for what you are looking for.
I think with the combination, it will look fine. Good selection.
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
I think you need to get air ride next (goto A Plus Performance for that), because I dont think you will have those side skirts for long out here in Colorado.
Also, I think Greg's pro wing would look better, but in carbon fiber....and a CF Hood.
Jason P.
Illusive Dreams
Denver Based Photographer
Specializing in Portrait, Event and Automotive Photography
http://illusivedreams.zenfolio.com (newest work)
http://www.myspace.com/jaycejwu (add me)
i dont think they offer the razzi wing in CF is the only thing, and the prostock wing does look good but i really want to see how this one looks ON the car
as for the air ride, i have the prostreets, and if need me, ill raise em allll the way up, which i would hate to do, but i dont want to trash the kit
and the BC2 kit was cheap, didnt pay much at all, but it is fiberglass
IZN TRBL: those rims sound awesome, ill look around for them, but if you find em first, let me know!
thanks for the comments guys, keep em coming!
sounds good, just not a fan of that wing. it looks too small for the car
how about going BLUE CF OEM Style Hood??
[which i'm able to get, along with the WW style Evo hood]
I think you have a good combo picked out, mang!
I can't tell you anything on/about wheels though. That is always the last thing I buy and I have a helluva time figuring out which ones I want.
dude the kit is really nice...i woulda got it but i want duel exhaust...but neway...i would get it and the wing is nice too...but if you do get the c/f hood deff get the c/f wing and get black rims...but you could (which is what i would do) get a fiberglass hood..which is practically just as light as c/f and it is paintable...c/f CAN be painted but alotta bodyshops wont paint it...but if you two tone your car the c/f would be hot...but i would go with fiberglass
So...Are you gonna be wanting to sell the stock spoiler?......
If so how much?......