i was lookin at body kits for my sunfire, and i noticed all are in fiberglass, except for the rk sport streetfire. How many of you all have had problems with the fiberglass body kits, and if i do get one how low can i go with out road hazards (pot holes, rocks, etc) being a problem?
Proud member of JBOK
if this is your first kit and you have bad roads kit urethane. unless you know how to work w/ glass i can promise you, that you will crack your kit. one since its made of fiberglass it will crack easier but can be repaired easier. two if you never had a kit before you'll be learning where you can and can not go so you'll bottom out and scrape alot
this is what happens to your fiberglass bumper if someone throws a full 40oz bottle out the window of their car and hits yours.
^^^OUCH, glad I went urethane
Madjack wrote:Like I said before, building an engine like ours (2.2 or 2200) is a painstaking chore , since there is so few custom made parts. It's frustrating to me too, but that's what I like about doing this engine, it's the challenge.
i have a FG kit and i will olny go this way from now on. but its like some one said if you know how to work with FG then its cool. this was my first kit and i never had any problems with bottoming out or anything. midas did @!#$ it up though but i fixed it my self and you would never be able to find it know. go with fiberglass.
I know pretty much where i can go in a lowered car, i lowered one of my trans ams and i found out pretty quickly when i was younger where i could and couldnt go. and it seems like every one has the only urethane kit thats offered for the fires. thanks for all the input guys, mods will come soon.
Proud member of JBOK
In my opinion if you are trying to save a few bucks get a fiberglass kit and just replace the front bumper in the kit with a urathane front and sell the fiberglass front. The front is the only thing that you really need to be in urathane. My whole kit is fiberglass because I didn't have money for urathane. I've had it on for about 6 months now and no problems yet. I do scrape going in and out of driveways every once in a while but there is no visible damage from it except paint scraped off the underside of the front lip of the bumpber. If you're careful and your car isn't too low fiber glass is just fine. It's also easier to work with and fix if something breaks on it.
im my opinion fiberglass is good for show or good roads.
Around here we have big curbs, pot holes, and construction out the ass right now. So fiberglass body kits owners can normally be seen swerving around any small hole/dip/ect.
You'll figure out how well you can drive a car with fiberglass real quick when you try to enter some places with big curbs. If you don't go at almost a 90degree angle in some cases (like my driveway) you're bumper/sides are gone!
My front is FG, had it on for 3 years now. Scrapped a few times on driveways i was unsure of but it only took the paint off the bottom, cant really notice. Got a few chips from driving on the highway but overall still looks good, also lowered 1.5"
You just got to know where you can and cant go and youll be fine.