I'm looking for a good quick and affordable place to get carbon fiber from. I was wondering where do you all get it from and what you think of the place. Any problems with them?
Thanks a lot
^ that is where I got mine from.
however...c/f isn't a cheap product to work with.
^^^ if you want, i have an untouched roll of either 1 or 2 yards of cf with the Klear Kote package mix you need to lay it. I bought it at the beginning of summer to try a few projects but now realize i dont have time to do it. if you want it, ill sell it to you cheaper than i bught it. let me know \. email or PM me

Fred Ohlson "The people that devised this cruel attempt
at acceptance and fame burn in there honda civics"
USCOMPOSITES is a good place to deal with
EASY youve got mail.
^^ you also have mail

Fred Ohlson "The people that devised this cruel attempt
at acceptance and fame burn in there honda civics"
AVT Composites is where I get my stuff. They are local (Indianapolis) for me and they have great prices.
KevinP (Stabby McShankyou) wrote:
and I'm NOT a pedo. everyone knows i've got a wheelchair fetish.
Joe, if you dont sell it id be interested in it also. You know where to reach me!
1 HOT Z (Mark A) wrote:Joe, if you dont sell it id be interested in it also. You know where to reach me!
sorry mark
hey fatalic what are you going to CF? if you dont mind me asking?