with my kit, obviously i dont need my bumper lights, well one of the bulbs burnt out and now i got that annoying turbo blinker on the left side, is there anyway to disable those blinkers so they are not even reconized? cuz i dont wanna have to replace bulbs for nothing here, thanks
why dont you just take the bulbs out of the housing
that makes it think it has dead bulbs, i know this cuz when i had no corner bulbs in for a day when changing stuff, it did this
replace the bulb and just hide the bulb behind the bumper
yeah its hidden rite now behind the bumper, but i jus wanna know if i can disable them, dont wanna have to worry bout changing bulbs for lights i dont even use
^^^ this coming from a guy with seat covers and floor mats consisting of R racing and hub caps and jensen subs? come back when ur total value of mods crosses 100 bucks, dont say nething to me when ur driving ur little kmart bomb
to cheap to buy rims?
to cheap to buy seats?
to cheap for a lower mount?
to cheap to buy tails?
does anyone actually know an answer to this question? im looking to disable the bumper lights, i dont care how much it costs to replace the bulb, its the fact that its stupid to change bulbs that i dont need or use,
im sure if you search you can find the answer. also its a simple dollar bulb, yea i know you dont use them but how often do they burn out? ive had my car for 4 years and only had 1 bulb burn out
yeah i know theyre cheap, but it wuznt bout the money, it wuz jus about asking a question if its possible, if its not then oh well ill go out buy a bulb
Well, I would have offered to answer your question for you until your little 7th grade rant up there ^^^^^.
What is it with all these high schoolers and their attitudes around here?
Piss off. Figure it out on your own, dick.
Neutiquam erro.
I don't know anything about it, but would it work to snip off the bulb socket and connect the wires to each other to keep the circuit complete?
why were you talking to boltz like that. he was just messing around. i hope when you are trying to fix this problem you get the @!#$ shocked out of you.
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims
well sorry if his 2 dollar kmart store on wheels wasnt appealing to me, and further more thanks for being as much help as he was, does anyone know how to ACTUALLY read a question on here? wut r u guys, his big brother or something?
and "brian anderson" i didnt know why u were defending him until i checked ur reg, i see ur part of his category as well, did u wanna kiss his ass better?
and frank the tank despite ur stupid high school remark, been done 2 yrs now thanks, ill say u got a nice car, original looking hood, never seen it much
annnnnnnd last alkatmsu, thanks for the input, im looking into wut happens when the wires are jus cut, thanks man
how would i hook that up to work?
well its cool that you dont like his car but you dont need to be a dick about your opinion when he didnt even ask for it. im just going to let it go. i will apologize for the shocking the @!#$ out of you. but that was uncalled for.
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims
wow can i find any thread without @!#$ sandy vags
honestly i know, i cant either, and i didnt want to start something in here.....but he said some uncalled for things to a guy who didnt ask for it.
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims
[quote=ßãggéÐÇåv98 (Ûñqùðtäߣè Øñé)]wow can i find any thread without @!#$ sandy vags
that seems to be the new trend here on the jbo
and "figure it out on your own dick" and "i hope you shock the @!#$ out of urself" was ok?
ill apologize too, shouldnt of said crap like i did, now if i could ask for a possible solution, thanks
Grimor wrote:resistors
Your bulbs have a certain resistance in the electrical circuit. In order to get rid of them, you need to replace them with the exact same resistance in order to avoid problems. Now, what the resistance actually may be, I have no idea. That's a job for a meter and some calculating.
R=V/I....or Resistance = Voltage divided by Current
V = 12V
I = ???
R = ???
You need the Amperage (Current) at the bulb to figure out what the resistance is. Hook up an Ammeter in line at the bulb to get the Amps (Current), then do the math. That should get you pretty much where you need to be.
If I'm wrong on any of this, someone correct me, please.
Neutiquam erro.
thanks, ill get on that after work 2morrow
i was just going to say, check the resistance of the light bulb with an ohm meter and put in that ohm of resistor. im pretty sure it will work, but i would keep the lights on for a while and check it out to make sure it doesnt overheat, burn wires, or a fuse. i think your ok, but you also dont want to use a resistor with too much resistance or it will demand too much amperage and blow a fuse or hurt something else.
also check this out.
P=WATTS of light bulb
take watts and divide it by voltage and you will get your amperage. take voltage and divide it by the amps and you get resistance. we did several electricity classes on this and it works wonders... our instructor was like "the power of the chart..."
P=24 watts
V=12 volts
I= 2 amps
R=6 ohms
take out any two numbers and you can still get the others.
theres a talking infected vagina on this thread let's ban him

or just a temp ban for lack of respect
how old r u 5? really everything got cleared and question was answered and then this guy needs to say something completly uncalled for and u say ive got a problem?