I was wondering if I could mold my lip onto my bumper its only the two spots on the sides that i would need to do it. but I asked a local body man and he said that since both surfaces are urethane that anything he would put on it would crack the firsttime i bumped into anything. But I have heard of other people on here molding urthane to urethane without any trouble. So I was just wondering what I could use to mold it with that wouldn't just crack and break.
This is my bumper you can see the seem on the side that i am talking about.
It can be done but you need to use the right adhesive which most people will tell you to use Fusor which is mostly used to mold plastics. If your car is a daily driver and goes over alot of bumps and stuff i wouldnt do it for fear of it cracking.
It's basically plastic, right? Try plastic-welding them. I've done that with interior parts before. All you need is plaztic zip-ties and a soldering iron, and a little skill won't hurt. Use the ties as your filler, and the soldering iron to heat them to make them bond to the surface. Do it on bare plastic, though. Not painted. Then just smooth everything out and it's all one piece. Prime and paint. Others would likely not recommend this way of doing it, but it's a thought.
Be kind to dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
It's basically plastic, right? Try plastic-welding them.
You basically not a bodyman, right? Dont try giving advice then.
Now here's something I'm not going to give advice on.
But I will give you this advice... whatever big daddy says when he posts... listen to him. He's MUCH better at "urethane bonding" than I am.
So that's my advice... listen to big daddy.
if your going to mold the 2 together theres a product called fusor..... you could try doing it, and because the lip isnt that heavy it might not cause a problem where as if it were such a greater size it might take a bigger affect on it bouncing up and down the road......
fusor pretty much melts the 2 together.....
but your stock bumper isnt urethane is it?
I am very interesed to hear how this turns out as I wanna mold the 04 RK sport lip kit to my car once it arrives. The kit is Urethane and the bumpers I do believe are just Plastic of some sort cheap......The lips stay on pretty tight as they are bolted on....But as far as filling the gaps..what would be good to fill?? IM guessing bondo?
Oh... and FUSOR does NOT melt the two together... otherwise, the urethane bumper I have on the front of my car wouldn't still be busted. FUSOR, Speedgrip, metal brackets behind the cracked areas with FUSOR/Speedgrip... the crack is too low to the ground. It'll hold for a while, after that "SNAP!"
Listen to big daddy... if he doesn't see the post, PM him with a link to this post and ask him what he thinks. He knows what he's talking about
Well thanks for the advice, I think I will stay away from molding them together, doesn't sound like its a real sure thing, and its not something i wanna be doing every few months because i do drive my car everyday over some roads that aren't real fabulous.
I guess i just assumed that the stock bumpers are urethane? The lip is also made form a stock Talon bumper so if they are not urethane is it possible then??
Thanks again, i know nothing about this kind of stuff.