I am looking for pics or a link to pics of the yellow GM concept cavalier that appears on the top of the home page. The yellow one with the full one piece front end.
someone has to have pics of it somewhere? I am really looking for some pics of the back of it!
they just had to put chrome tails on it...
Thank you Nasty! Those pics where wxactly what I was lookin for!!!!! Thanks!
holy hsit that car is almost the same colour as mine!
well mine is brighter in the pic but in a darker location like the cav its IDENTICAL
except yours in about 8 seconds too slow and the fact it that one has bow ties painted all over it
I want some pics of this one....
pics of that car would be nice to have just to add to my collection of J's!!
uh huh i just creamed all over my pants...... SWEET!!!!!!!!!
also where did you get those pics