Im taking a fiberglass bumper and using part of it with an OEM bumper for a custom project Im mocking up. The OEM bumper seems to be more of a plastic than a uerethane. Im wondering if anyone has ever glassed this material before and had trouble with it holding up?
My intention is to sand it down well with a heavy grit and possibly recover the oem part with a layer of fiberglass (so it doesn't crack on the seams). Im not so concerned with it cracking as much as I am with it delaminating from vibration.
Any suggestions would be appreciated
15.149 @ 91.26mph 3-18-2006
Try pop rivets and use a product called Flexane, it won't crack.
Make sure you rough up the ABS bumper before you apply the flexane putty to it.
I still have my stock rear bumper under my rear kit. its held up for over a yr. it has no cracks or spiderwebs ir anything of that sort. in fact, its even molded to the widebody kit also. I would recommend to Just scratch it up ALOT, I mean alot, like make holes through it, and deep scratches that go through it. thats what I did. But if u can get ahold of what the guy above mentioned then I guess it should work better.
P.S. Ive also rear ended quite a few things with it, and even then it hasnt cracked.
I mean, ive been rear ended twice and ive acked up into quite a couple of things (telephone pole, other car, the list goes on....)
you could do that^ or if your good with glass, make a mold of your stock bumper and then put the two peices together and fully glass them!
Who needs a sig?
streetside speed & custom wrote:you could do that^ or if your good with glass, make a mold of your stock bumper and then put the two peices together and fully glass them!
thats the route I would go personally