do i have to take off the front bumber to get the frenders off?
thanks james
well, let me revise have to at least take off the 2 bolts on each side that hold the fender onto the front bumper.
can i get to when i take the head light out and im also having problem getting the black pieces that hold the inter fender liner on how do those come off?
thanks for the help James
for the inner fender linings, pull the black plugs out with some plyers or something. there are 2 bolts at the bottom of the fender near the side skirt area, and 3 more attaching to the bumper ( there is a bracket in there as well) thats all there is to taking the fenders off and puttin them back on
Hopefully that was clear enough
This job is MUCH easier if you have a friend help you
Wheel wells (fender linings/the black things behind your wheels) are held on by 7mm bolts. Remove all of them (and look around cuz there's more than there looks at first).
Remove the radiator shroud (black plastic piece under the hood that goes over the the headlights) by removing the retaining clips.
Remoe the headlights by taking out the 2 13mm bolts (my be 10mm, can't remember)
Reach in to where the headlights were, and feel by the where the fender and bumper meet. There are two 10 mm bolts holding the bumper to the fenders. Remove those. There is a third 10 mm bolt (the one closest to the wheel) that you just need to loosen, not remove.
Remove all the bolts holding the bumper brackets in place (should be four, 10 or 13 mm bolts)
Remove the bumper. Note: You will have to pop the bumper loose from those third 10mm bolts on the fender as the bumper clips on to them, just pull carefully, but firmly from both sides of where the bolt is.
Unfortunately, I've only gone as far as removing my front bumper, not the fenders, HOWEVER, this will get you up to that point and removing the fenders should be as simple as a few bolts. With the front bumper off, finding all the fender bolts shouldn't be difficult at all.
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okay i got them on and now i cant find the black things that screw in that hold the fender lining not the bolts the other things i went to autozone and they didnt have them.
check a local hardware store, like lowes or home depot if you have something like that around. I know lowes has a "hard-to-find parts" section in the store where the screws and stuff are i believe. They should have the little black things that held the liner in.