okay so i have some stock cav fenders and i am gonna get em painted the thing is that i sanded em down and now i need to primer em but i dont have a gun and compressor to spray em and my friend is outta town, can i just use the filler primer that comes in a can to primer my fenders and then have them painted?
If you are going to get them painted, just let the shop apply the primer also. Aerosol paints/primers aren't high quality.
Spray bomb is the devil... that is all
I would rattle can them if I was just gonna run them around for a while. It'll prevent any rust from forming. But, when you go to have the fenders painted you will have to resand them down and paint them. Rattle can is usually laquer and uro paints would have a chemical reaction to them. I would try and find someone with a paint gun and primer them. I would recommend like was said before about letting the painter do it. They tend to use the same brand primer and paint so there is no intereactions between them. If you do find someone to primer them, make sure they put a sealer on it as well. This will make the primer more weather resistant until they can be painted. A few days in the open air and surface rust will begin on your fenders. Good luck.
The world is a beautiful place.... but I wouldn't want to paint it.
primer will not prevent them from rust, primer accually absorbe water and moisture, but a spray can of primer will be ok for temporary use just don't drive in the rain
Capt. Cavalier wrote:primer will not prevent them from rust, primer accually absorbe water and moisture, but a spray can of primer will be ok for temporary use just don't drive in the rain
At the shop I used to work at, we used a primer/sealer on every car we did. There was a "project" car there, which was worked on here and there while waiting for new parts. The water was repeled, and would bead and run off, and nothing rusted that was coated in primer... as long as it was not sanded. If we sanded the primer, it would absorb moisture once the surface was broken. This is of course auto body grade primer... not rattle can stuff.
DO NOT USE RATTLE CAN PRIMER!!!, another example i drove around with primer on my own car for 3 months before i knew what color i was going t o paint it
i know for a fact that PPG ncp 271 primer is a corrosive protectant primer and it it does not need a sealer under neath it before the primer is applied
most primers today do not need a sealer before primer, the rattle can primer does not prevent rust who ever said that must be smokin the good stuff
do your self a favor keep the fenders in a dry place so they don`t rust, and wait until your buddy comes back so you can apply the correct primer
can i haz bondo
cool ill just wait thanks guys!
i have a question here....
i want to get my body work done this summer but i wont be able to afford paint until the next summer after (2008)
Can i drive the whole summer then store the car with a car cover on my exterior parking all on primer?