hey guys and gals i have seen some cars with a side open trunk like the one in the pics. does anyone know how to do it. i got my trunk in peices and have had trouble figuring it out
someone help me out
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it looks like from the pic.. you just move the 2 arms over and put a shock to hold it up when it is open. Doesnt look to complicated.
dont wuote me on that though im just guessing! lol
i think im gonna just bolt my trunk on and take the arms off.....or maybe some hoodpins....this way i can get more space in the trunk for some boom boom
so no ones knows how this setup would be done???/
Shaun - ShowStopperTuning.com wrote:it looks like from the pic.. you just move the 2 arms over and put a shock to hold it up when it is open. Doesnt look to complicated.
From staring at the pic i think he is correct for the most part of how it was done. I would possible look more forward to getting a set of convertible trunk hinges with struts.. that should be a cleaner and prolly easier install i would think.. but cant go wrong with a simple hinge and strut.. or just a hinge with prop rod depending on what u want.. There are many ways i can think of to do it.. just some imagination and common sense..
yeah.. but what do you bolt everything to?
You probably wont find many how-to forums on this setup because this guy was original with his idea and wants it to stay that way. If you really want to make it work you need to try and figure it out on your own or it is no longer original for you nor him. In that case I suggest if you can't figure out how to make it work don't do it. If people start talking about how to do this setup EVERYONE will have it just like the flip flop trunk.....
I don't mean to thrash your thread I just get disappointed when original ideas become adapted to everyones car
As far as the way they bolt to the lid, it looks like a similar setup to the standard bolt. If you take a look at the stock setup, there should be a notch cut into the framing where the arm slides into.
Same deal, except its on a side support.
Now as for how they bolt to the car, I would imagine that a mountig plate was fabbed and bolted in.
On a side note, SWF can't be used for a sig here