iam lookin to get lambos witin the next week and i was wonderin if these are worth buyin..
prolly like 90% of the members on here with lambos on their Js have the MMS kit..
couple of my friends lately ive been having trouble with their struts in theirs tho so i dunno how to fix to keep them from blowing..
so it is a pretty good kit
ive had mine for a year and a half ad havent had any problems yet. very satisfied with mine!!
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I hated mine, def. never do them again unless it's for a show car, i would never put them on a daily driver again, and also my passenger side shock blew within the first 2months and i rarely opened them up lambo style, only when i took pics. And the driver side shock was so tough it was really hard to shut them while sitting in the seat. They were a PITA for me.
You hear the above comment alot, Never for daily driving, Its becomes an annoyance worse then me.
It can be an annoyance if you always open the door upward. My doors have been fine staying down unless I help them up and it doesn't bother me at all when I close them. I've had the kit for a year and a half and so far just had to replace the driver's side shock (the screw piece broke) and other than that no problems.
* Student of the University of Oklahoma. Go Sooners!
I never opened the lambo style, only for pictures, and they were still an annoyance, especially since they only opened about half way, compared to a normal hinge, and yes that being said they were a big waste of $500.
Show car yes.....daily driver no. Just my opinion after having them on my car
i was thinking about doing it just for the WOW factor but LOTS of ppl have them now and all you guys said they are just not worth it on a DD
I have them, cant get my passenger side to line up correct. They are heavy as crap. How do you all just open them normal?? When i open mine, they shoot up. SORRY TO THREADJACK. But I would not reccomend them. Look into some different and custom, gull wings possibly.
QweeWee wrote:I have them, cant get my passenger side to line up correct. They are heavy as crap. How do you all just open them normal?? When i open mine, they shoot up. SORRY TO THREADJACK. But I would not reccomend them. Look into some different and custom, gull wings possibly.
Exactly, mine shot up too when I opened them, and you can't just swing them shut either right? You gotta physically push them all the way shut?
No offense or disrespect to MMS for the fact they actually spent the time and money to make another option.. but if u guys woulda saved more money and bought a lil better kit u might not have problems
VerticalDoorInc have a nice quality kit and LSD Doors have a great kit where it allows u to open ur door normally or lambo if u want. but no one wants to pay over 1000 for the hinges so u guys ended up with these and are having problems..
like i said no disrespect to you Joe, its great what you did its just their are few flaws which i expected not by the maker but just on the price but didnt have any personal experience with them, but after helping installing jeffs and see the probs he has i decided to stay away.. maybe someday i might think about gettin lambos..
Ohh trust me, if i would have had the 1000 buck i wold have got the better kits but at the time it was the most reasonable thing to do for the money situation i was in and as for lining then up correctly your supposed to tape the car door to your car with painters tape to retain the factory position, remove the fender, remove the stock hindge and then put on the mms hinges and shim if you need and then it will line up like factory.
well iam moldin in my whole body kit .... do u all think its worth it or will i just run into trouble and have to remold everything because of the doors???
I agree DONT put them on a daily driver. I traded mine for my EVO hood that I have now. There awesome to look at but a pain to open and close every day
I have the Vertical doors kit. I had the same problem, and my shocks started to weaken on me, then eventually fail. I then bought the MMS shocks and they've held up perfectly.
On a daily driver...nope, wouldn't do it.
Show car...yeah sure np at all.
you need to be careful shutting the doors, you can not just swing it closed, but it doesnt take too much effort to shut your door carefully either.