anyone know if there is any product or anything that will get rid of a skunk smell? kinda ran over one tonite...well not kinda, i DID, the rear end of the car STINKS....any suggestions? or is the car a lost cause now?
as far as i know...wash it and let it air out.....not sure if theres a product out there or not
Febreze or a @!#$ load of air neutralizer if its in your fabric. Or go hit up a touchless car wash and get the undercarrage wash. Other wise drive with your windows down for a few days.
I ran over a skunk one time, and it took three times through the car wash, using the undercarriage wash, to get it down to a small scent.
ya its just under the car that smells, i was told:
1 quart white vinegar, 1/4 cup baking soda, one teaspoon dish soap
gonna try that and see how it works
i hit a skunk last month and it smelled for ever let us know how ^^^^^ that works
I hit a skunk about 2 months ago, and i took an empty 409 bottle and put a mix of V8 juice and water in it and sprayed it down 3 or 4 times while washing my car and the smell seemed to go away. But i dont know how it will work for you, im just puttin ideas out there.
well seemed to work somewhat.....the smell isnt so bad now....did it twice...i guess ill just get a car wash and hope that it goes away soon lol...but definitely not as bad as before...
I wouldn't recommend using vinegar and baking soda together.... kinda makes a lil mess for ya to clean up. I would use the car wash a couple times and then hang air fresheners under there