Just wondering if there is anyway to remove water marks from the windows...
I have tried everything that i can possibly think of... Any Ideas???

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
vinager.... and fine grit steel wool. don't scrub hard.
Corsica Dude wrote:vinager.... and fine grit steel wool. don't scrub hard.
Worst advise ever LOL. Never take steel wool even if it is fine grit to any glass. It is still steel wool and it is used to scratch. Like you would never take the highest grit sand paper to your glass unless you are resurfacing it. It is newspapers with vinager and water.
and if ur really desperate with fine scratches or wiper marks.. there is stuff at auto zone that is made to buff windows.. and they also have the same thing for clear lenses.. its a lil disk that goes into a home drill and has a compound in the pads.. so once u add the water the compound works in.. works great for clear plastic lenses.. havent tried the window stuff yet.. only runs bout $12 for 6 pads..
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, September 01, 2006 6:08 PM
Get a container of Zaino Glass cleaner or a body compound called Poorboys SSR2.5 -- both are abrasive enough to remove the spots without scratching the glass.
The Poorboys can be used on the car as well to remove similar imperfections in the pain. I use them both on my 2003 mach 1 and it works like a charm! Just don't use either on clear plastic as it will scratch it up pretty good. You don't need a lot of either...a little goes a long way.
Check out
i use glass cleaner that a detail shop would use , does pretty good , but water spots dont really go away with glass cleaners , windex and stuff like that only hide the spots then they come back once it rain or if there is due on the window , "acid rain" is a major factor with water spots and if you have hard water at ur house that will do it too
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David Alameda (Zspeedcav) wrote:Corsica Dude wrote:vinager.... and fine grit steel wool. don't scrub hard.
Worst advise ever LOL. Never take steel wool even if it is fine grit to any glass. It is still steel wool and it is used to scratch. Like you would never take the highest grit sand paper to your glass unless you are resurfacing it. It is newspapers with vinager and water.
I use fine steel wool on my windows all the time and never have any scratches.... best @!#$ to clean with... no smears or wipe marks and makes the windows oh so clean
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
I use a product called Soft and Scrub. The stuff is usually used to scour out sinks and tubs. I use a little on the window and rinse real good. Any residue left over from the S&S I just use regular window cleaner. Get's the water spots out every time.
98 Z24

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I find Plexus is great for windows. It fills in the little scratches and stuff especially on the windshield. It's meant for plastic but I find it cleans the glass really well. The only catch is after it's sprayed on you have to keep buffing it with a clean towel until you see all the residue is removed. A few minutes work. And it doesn't smear on the windshield like RainX.
all you guys uesing steel whool and soft scrub and all that you are putting scratches in ur glass , its just u dont see the damage its doing. i detail cars and alot of the detailing products will take off water spots and theres some that wont , but i wouldnt use an abrasive on my glass for a long perid of time cuz it will show up at one point
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I use a claybar. The same claybar that you use for your car body. You can get them at pepboys or what ever auto supply store is near you. It wont hurt your window and is great for taking off water spots and road grime.
ive waxed auto glass before and works pretty good , sheets the water off good , ill try out the clay some time , but i really have no need for it cuz of useing auto detailer grade window cleaner all the time
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03 Cavalier
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68 Fairlane 500
Thanks for everyones input...
I just have been trying to get these water spots off for sometime now. I have used a claybar, windex, rain x and a few other things.
I will be sure to try some of the things you guys have said.... These water spots are really driving me nuts.
Joker: What does an auto detailer use to clean the windows????

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
its a foam glass cleaner, round my area theres a comany called ARDEX , and theres a comany called Stoner that have this product
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03 Cavalier
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68 Fairlane 500
Bah, I've never had a problem with steel wool. Works great.
I have the stuff from my work by the name of BIO-CLEAN. Its kind of a thick milky liquid and it works wonders on my windows.
Joker 0387 wrote:all you guys uesing steel whool and soft scrub and all that you are putting scratches in ur glass , its just u dont see the damage its doing. i detail cars and alot of the detailing products will take off water spots and theres some that wont , but i wouldnt use an abrasive on my glass for a long perid of time cuz it will show up at one point
I am the one using Soft & Scrub. The reason it is called SOFT & Scrub is because it is lightly abrasive compared to regular scouring powder. S&S is recommended by the manufactuer of non-ceramic bath tubs so it won't scratch the finish. If you use S&S lightly with a sponge, you will not scratch glass.
I have had detail people in California ask me how I keep my windows clean and I info them about the S&S. I also use a foam cleaner to do my windows. I only use the S&S when the windows dry before I can get the water off of them.
98 Z24

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