Does anyone know where i can get some toyo mirrors for a 2 door? i've been looking for months!
good luck. they're like impossible to find. you might end up having to do like i am and others have, get the sedan ones and modify them to fit.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
It took me over 6 months to find mine on ebay with all the hardware that is needed for them.
Well i kinda found some but one of the mirrors are damaged. The passanger ones housing is kind of broken, im kind of skeptical on getting them because i dont know what it'll take to repair it. Where could i get just a passanger one, and are the housings the same as the four door ones? maybe i can just swap the housing and keep the mounting area of the 2 door one.. i dont know any help is appreciated.
thanks so far guys!
Man, finding them in the first place is hard enough! So finding JUST the housing might be totally impossible. You might want to pass on that, unless its a KILLER deal.
" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "