i am swapping the front from a 99 cav to a 04 sunfire. the car was wrecked when i bought it. I have no bulbs in the front light housing except for the headlights. When I turn the car on everything is fine. When I put it into gear the dummy headlight light flashes a few times and then the service light (i think that is the one) comes on. is this because I do not have all the lights in the front or is it something else. the headlights do work i just have to turn them on. if i do the drl diable will this also fix the problem? thanks for any info guys.
Member since: 03/2005
sunfires have driving lights when you put them into gear if any of your light bulbs go out you get the service light so check your brake lights and tuen signals and make sure all of the bulbs are working
I have all the bulbs in (except fogs) and they are all working, but when i put it in gear they still blink. Any other ideas??
Member since: 03/2005