Hey guys My socket is basically melted. I called autozone about it and they said they looked it up for the 00 cavalier and the socket they had was 9004, and i know that its 9007. Does anyone know the difference between the 9004 if it would fit or anything, i dont see how it would?
Im just talking about the little blue piece the headlight plugs into with the 3 wires coming off it. Where could i get one of these? T
Advance auto parts. Or i have a spare one out of a 00 sunfire aswell.
I called advanced and they said that they didnt carry them? Who knows.
dont get the auto zone ones there usally junk.. go to junkyard.. i got a headlight harness for 15 bucks.. should be able to do the same.. or atleast clip the pigtail..
Are 9007 and 9004 sockets the same? Surely not?
hmm thats odd. Thanks for the input Shifted