The question isn't really about the bumper but the side skirts. When i install them what do i use to hold them to the car on the quater panels? I got the Dragon Z sides if it helps to know what i have. double sided tape? panel bond? I'm not goin to be moldin them.
get some self taping screws and you that
I forget what they look like but alot of people do use panel bond. The only thing is that when you wanna take them off you run the risk of pulling your paint off the car with it also. You can use double sided tape but it does not hold well to fiberglass. If you do use the double or the panel bond then clean the area you are gonna be mounting the skirts to with a wax and grease solution. It will help prepare the area for the best adheasion.
hmm... i guess i miss understood the question. i thought it was about attaching them in general. i know what your talking about now.
if they are good qualitly skirts they should not need anything since they wont pull away from the car but 3m double sided tape doesnt hurt either if you just want to be sure