I am experiencing the very common water leak from my rear side windows and plan to remove them to reseal them. Can anyone that has removed and reinstalled these windows type up a thorough how to so that I know how to deal with the urethane glue? Also, what method did you use to clean the urethane from the window and how did you prep, seal and re-adhere the window successfully? Thanks!
im actually working on pulling mine out tonight. just by looking at it, i think the seals obviously have to come out first. thing im worried about is destroying the seals when pulling them out and having to get new ones. either way, if no one answers soon, i should have an answer for you tonight
Joey Baggs (Eazy716), did you have any luck pulling those windows out last night?
actually, i started trying to work on them, and got distracted with cleaning the garage
it was filthy from this past weekends body work, so i cleaned up and never made it back to the windows. maybe tonight. i did however start a lil on trying to pull the moudings off, and i think i was right when i said i may have to replace them when you pull them out. my buddy is good at the moulding parts as he does it fr a living, so ill keep you posted on how we get it done
well the 1/4 glass and like most glass is bonded with window urathene, and needs to be cut out, if ya have a air power saw thats made to cut out glass i forgot the name of it off hand or just call a glass company and let them do it so ya don`t @!#$ things up
i personally would call a glass company
can i haz bondo
here is the best way to remove them.
first remove the 1/4 panel trim inside the car. there should be 3 screws in the window remove them.
next get a torch and heat up a knife(with a sharp point) force it through the adhesive from inside the car. then remove the knife.
now heat up the seal(black strip on outside) just to make it easier to work with, i suggest a heat gun on low or a hair dryer. this is optional but recommended.
ok now the fun part you will need
someone to help you here
piano wire(it must be piano wire)
2 pairs of vise grips
use about 2 feet of wire, feed one end through the adhesive where you used the knife. and clamp the vise grips on to each end.
with one of you in the car and the other outside "saw" slowly, working around the glass, watch as you go so you don't get the wire caught on the corners.
when you are sawing hold the wire close to the glass in the same direction you are cutting do not pull it straight out like you are pulling on a rope. the glass will shatter if you "pull" it out.
when the window is out you can scrape the adhesive off (very time consuming) you can burn it off with a torch, just be very careful doing it. or im pretty sure auto glass shops can sell you something that breaks down the adhesive.
try calling them and see what they use to remove adhesive.
hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions
SUPERFASSSSTZ, thanks for the info. I think that will help alot. How long would you say that it took to remove one window? Once you cleaned the adhesive and that sort of thing, what kind of adhesive did you use to re-adhere the window to the car?