do the side moldings on the side of my cavalier have paint underneath them cause im thinkin bout takin them off but i dont know if i want to if there is no paint under them cause i dont feel like painting the car
13.1 @ 115
yes they have paint underneath
Well, I have a 99 GT and I took off the side moldings, but not the door side moldings, and yes it is painted. However there are hols in the body where the the sides snap into position. And theres a really anoying black metal piece that holds the bottom up. I scratch my legs on it every time I'm not looking when I get into my car. And they rattle when theres no weight on them. Anoying as hell really. But to answer your question, yes there is paint.
^ There are only holes there on the Sunfire GT's and the coupes that had the door moldings. There are no holes underneath the moldings that extend down the length of the door, which includes all the moldings on the cavaliers. - Information Source For 4 Cylinder Tuners
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When I removed my side moulding trim on my 1997 Cavy, and clearcoat layer of the paint came off with it. The paint itself was almost entirely intact, but I've probably set myself up for premature rusting.
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Depending on paint and age, there may be some fading too
My car is a 97, back in 2000 I pulled my mouldings off and the damn paint came with it on one side lolol.. Pissed me off..
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
I just pulled off my mouldings about 2 months ago and it is indeed painted underneath. Use a heat gun/hair dryer and pull slowly or you will risk paint coming with it.
Scriz wrote:I just pulled off my mouldings about 2 months ago and it is indeed painted underneath. Use a heat gun/hair dryer and pull slowly or you will risk paint coming with it.
fishing line also helps, but i found if u use the heat gun/hair dryer, u really dont need it. actually makes it harder.
got mine off in about 20 minutes or so with a lil heat.
and dont do what a kid i know did. he figured he could use a razor blade after i specifically told him not to, and told him to use the method listed above. needless to say he had some custom "slash mark" graphics, lol
I used fishing line, soap/water, hair dryer and patience. I got the moldings off no sweat, then I used soap/water and the hair dryer to pull off most of the adhesive. I used goof off on the rest of the adhesive, then washed/waxed it all. No paint damage, clear coat damage or fading at all. I have a 2002 and did this in the fall of 2006. It took longer the way I did it, but it came out flawless. Just take your time..
take your time be careful use the methods listed above depending on the color of the car and the amount of uv damage to the paint there could be a lil fading if your car is a light color u really shouldent have a problem though
This is what happened to the first section I tried, which ended taking the most paint damage. The rest went more smoothly with some extra patience. Used fishing line, hair dryer, and Goo Gone. The dark chunk in the middle was what remained of my clear coat layer, which had gone brittle and couldn't be saved. You can see the outline of the clearcoat at the edges as well. The final appearance was decent after waxing, but it could use some touch up.
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I used a plastic knife, a hair dryer, and my bare hands. There's still some glue on that I couldn't get off with my hands, I've since tried the automotive goo gone and hasn't worked for me, gonna try somethin else come spring... Hopefully it works ...