where does everyoen find there cavalier sign for there third brake light?
tahts also one of teh most recent pics i have ..
since then windows are inted and i am lowering when funds arrive in the mail
and once the weather is nice again the decals are coming off
C&C appreciated
thanks colin
Lanman31337 -F = fatties = do not want. A little chunk in the junk is ok though.
or boost here on the .org can make anything you need im sure.
good luck buddy!
Izn Trbl-[ahys-in wrote: [truhb-uhl]]ebay?
or boost here on the .org can make anything you need im sure.
good luck buddy!
you got it Josh, i'm the man to go to for these things and many other vinyl services, since i do not have a exact template i would just need a width and height measurment on that brake light and i'll then add on a few inches all around and send out a vinyl cutout for you to trim yourself to fit the light. You can PM or email me if your interested. I will have sunfire and cavalier templates just don't know exactly when.