I did a search and I don't know if anyone's ever done this, so here I go...
It's a mundane little mod, but I still took pics to document in case someone else wants to do it. To rewind, on my old 1996 fire, when I had a bunch of custom bodywork done I also had my gaslid finger hole removed, so it was totally flat. My old car got written off, I pulled off the gaslid before it went to the scrapyard... I then decided on a whim to buy a genuine toyota cavalier gas lid with locking mechanism, and remote trunk release and interior release...the whole works, off ebay...I installed the locking part first before realizing the damn cavalier gaslid is a different shape then the sunfire one, it's smaller, more square, and the hinge mounts in a different place...so I gave that to Lenko (install it will ya!?) SO, I kept the locking release with the remote opener (inside trunk). It was a lot of work to install the custom gaslid...had to jack up rear, remove wheel, remove inside wheel liner, remove gaslid and un-attach the gaslid cord.. on the '96 gaslid, I had to drill out a rivet, and then enlarge the hole there to fit the gascap cord. All in all, it fits great, the edge of the lid needs to be a bit more convex so it leaves a bit more of a gap then I would like but it's not much.
Here we go...
1996 vrs 2003, you see the small differences, the old one had a place to hold the gaslid, and has the unleaded fuel only.
You see the inside plastic liner around both sides of the sus. techniques springs, my '96 never had this, I don't see what the point is of this is,
I guess when driving in the rain it prevents that water noise from the water flying off the wheel (I would hear this on my old sunfire)..other then that, all it does is serve as a repository for dirt, salt, grime and @!#$...when I pulled it off, I had a few cups of crud fall off in piles, and
there was 1/4" of crud caked on behind it..it doesn't prevent crud from building up, it just hides it!!!
You see one of the piles od crud, a small metal clip fell off as well, I have no idea where it came from, anyone know?
The back of the gaslid, you see the two nuts holding it on (9mm), the gasfiller is rusting pretty good...I should have sprayed it with bedliner
while it was all open, but I forgot.
Excuse the blurry pic but that nip on the left is what locks the lid, I still have to drill a hole in the tongue, and that rounded nip goes in there,
even without the hole it kinda locks it, but if you apply pressure you can open the gaslid..I might leave it like that and install a small solinoid
to "pop" the gaslid open, otheriwse right now I have to pull the release cable and push on the right side of the lid and it pops open.
The remove release cable, there's a handle with a fuel symbol on it that attaches to it to open the fuel door, in addition to a LONG cable that
went to a fuel door mechanism by the drivers seat to release the lid, I think there was a spring to help the toyota cavalier gaslid to open.
Viola, done!
Don't buy from MANTAPART!!
now thats hot, is that the actual toyota parts? and if so got part numbers?
FastFireTwoTwo wrote:...before realizing the damn cavalier gaslid is a different shape then the sunfire one, it's smaller, more square, and the hinge mounts in a different place...so I gave that to Lenko (install it will ya!?) SO, I kept the locking release with the remote opener (inside trunk).
I don't have a P/N, you can't order it, it would have to come off a wrecked toyota cavalier.
Don't buy from MANTAPART!!
I want to do that, but I want to make the door a "push to open" and skip the interior latch. Looks great
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