I know its my car and everything and it shouldnt matter what people think about it.... but it does. I have a 2000 cavalier 2 door coupe and it has that dark indigo blue color too it. Im wondering what color would go good with it like to paint my mirrors, calipers, and get a decal. Thanks for any input.
dont paint body pieces any color but body color. it looks like $#!t otherwise. but i think silver would be a good accent color.
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drums and calipers should be BLACK unless aftermarket. imo drawing attention to stock rusty brakes doesnt make sense. like said body parts like mirrors and handles should be painted the body color
Thanks guys im going to have 2 white stripes going down the middle and some sort of silver graphic on the sides, paint my mirrors the same blue as my car, and leave my brakes black
Dont go white and silver just do one or the other. I would say stay away from the stripes down the center. Just make sure whatever color you choose that it's either silver or a charcoal grey.
2009 Ford Mustang V6
If doing stripes, I think you could ghost them in so that they are not overbearing on the original color.
dont do stripes, dont do graphics, dont paint stock calipers/drums, paint everything else color keyed.