I have a black car, and I've seen black colored turtle wax, does this really do anything or is it a gimmik? I'm a fan of meguires carnuba wax (thats what I have), but I never wax my car anymore because you can see Every little ding in the car. Does the black wax help reduce that, or am I just stuck with having the car just looking "clean" or "shiney and dented", I can't think of a way to have both.
Gimmick. Go with Turtle Wax ICE...
Won't that make the imperfections light up like the sun too, I wan't to have to car look good, but not so shiny that you can see every place on the car someone has door dinged me. My car had a perfect body on it until I started driving it to work. I REALLY need to get a beater.
Used this stuff on a black car I once owned. Actually worked well at first then as the wax aged, it would get whitish in the swirls and scrathes and would show anyway.
I used the red on my old cav...I liked it....
Wax will not remove imperfections. To get rid of those, you have to remove them. If you have small scratches in the clear, use a mild abrasive such as Meguiar's Scratch X, a rubbing compound, or something similar. Follow that up later with wax to protect the paint.
Just buff the SOB! That will get rid of most of your imperfections
talk to z yaaaa about wax.
StrippedCav98 (Now Quotable) wrote:talk to z yaaaa about wax.
ROTFLMMFAO!!! Omg that made my day thank you! LMFAO
*ahem* anyways... black cars...
In my humble opinion nothing looks cleaner and "sexier" than a black car all nice and clean.
However, the problem with black cars is that:
1. They're hard as hell to keep clean
2. They show EVERY imperfection in the paint/body work imaginable.
The only way to make your dents "less noticeable" is to get them removed... no wax or product is going to make them go away or be less noticeable... and don't stop waxing your car just because you don't want them to be noticed. Wax plays an important part in protecting your clear, which protects your base coat. However too much wax can harm your clear coat.
I remember having a car come into the body shop because they couldn't understand why their clear coat was faded and chipping away. They hadn't waxed the car in the 12 years they'd owned it... gee I wonder why their clear was chipping lol.
I've used it for about a year now and it's a pretty good wax. It doesn't really hide dents but it's really good for hairline scratches and the Chipstick is great for hiding rock chips, especially on the hood. I've got about four half cm chips but you can't see 'em unless you actually look for 'em from about a foot away.
But I do have a friend who used the Ice on his Mustang and it was shinier than mine
Remember that the Turtle Wax brand's Color Cure is a polish and NOT a wax.
I've used it for years and love it, it removes swirl marks and give your color a more vibrant color.
I use Color Cure each season and I use a Meguiar's Gold Class Liquid Wax (black bottle) every 6 months for protection.
I love the end results of these products and I get many compliments too.
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-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----
I quess I'll just have to live with the little dings until I eventually get the car reapainted (along with body work), but that will be when it's not my daily driver anymore. (I'll also probably finally break down and put a RKsport body kit on it then).