how much lighter are they then normal trunks i want to know if its worth it
and i think it would look better with my wing than my current yellow hood (my wing is yellow commando wing)
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they are noticibly lighter. number wise i dont know but you can tell a difference. honestly if your wing is yellow and you dont plan on painting the cf lid, then i wouldnt do it. it wouldnt look right imo
cant find it, dude ur car looks sweet you do all that yourself
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my jsp cf lid was a definate weight decrease over the stock steel one.
im ditching mine next year though, it doesnt fit right during the day, but at night its fine. god damn heat and direct sunlight warps it.
z yaaaa wrote:my jsp cf lid was a definate weight decrease over the stock steel one.
im ditching mine next year though, it doesnt fit right during the day, but at night its fine. god damn heat and direct sunlight warps it.
what do you mean doesnt fit right? h/o do cf hoods warp to? or just the trunks cause i was going to get a cf hood in a month or two.
i dont think my wing looks right durring the day i should have kept my stock spoiler on but o well its fine
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none of the cf lids fit right. the corners always stick up but there are ways to fix it.
StrippedCav98 (Now Quotable) wrote:none of the cf lids fit right. the corners always stick up but there are ways to fix it.
this is my problem, what are the ways? ive seriously spent countless hours trying to adjust that damn thing so it fits correctly, and i always do get it right, but its when its nice n cool outside and almost dark. but as soon as you drive it out into the sun, the corners raise up like a half inch and it looks like ASS. i even drilled out holes for the little rubber stops that go on the bottom area, it did some help tho.
my hood has never had any issues with the sun making it a different shape, its always fit very well.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, July 31, 2007 6:07 AM
ive only seen the problems with the trunk lids. contact joey, i believe he was able to get his lid to sit right.
thanks for telling me this before i bought it
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